Monday 15 December 2014

British politics is corrupt at every level

British politics is corrupt at every level. For an example of that let us consider what is usually taken for granted and never thought to be a form of corruption. Jim Murphy was elected leader of the Scottish Labour Party on Saturday and immediately tells us with every confidence that he will become an MSP in 2016. The tragedy is that he probably will. Similarly, David Miliband tells us that he is 'considering' a return to the House of Commons and says that in the full expectation that if he wants to he will be allowed to.

What kind of political system do we live under when incompetents, corrupt and mediocre non-entities decide that they are entitled to lay a claim to become a member of parliament and expect it to happen? Murphy is an arch neoliberal and an unthinking supporter of Mad Tony. He tells us that he will not be beholden to London and everyone guffaws with mirth. He promises a fair and just society when he was a central member of a government that went out of its way to do the opposite. He voted for war in Iraq and turned a blind eye to torture and kidnapping. David Miliband was a central player in a war mongering and torturing government, the Foreign Secretary who refused to reveal details of his government's involvement in political kidnapping and torture. Both these men were prominent members of  the governments that presided over the financial crisis and both demand fairness but refuse to be accountable for their decisions, nor allow the British people to know what they are doing and what decisions they were party to. Fair, in their lexicon, means what they interpret it to be and then expect that we all agree with them. They are both products of a political elite that tell us constantly that no-one has an absolute right to privacy then demand that they are entitled to it as we have no right to know what they did in government. These people are disgusting but are at the pinnacle of our political system. The only ray of light we have is that Murphy will almost certainly destroy the Scottish Labour Party single-handedly. Remember, when Johann Lamont resigned she cited Murphy as one of the main reasons. As I said before the man is barely articulate as he sound like a tape recorder that is set on an endless loop to deliver the same meaningless sound bites to order, a man who spent nine years at university but failed to graduate. He is quite incapable of independent thought, but is being hailed as the saviour of the Scottish people. You simply couldn't make it up!

That these people expect to be accomodated by the political system is not their fault by the way. It is a symptom of the endemic corruption that poses as politics in this poisoned nation of ours, and, as I said, the tragedy is that they will indeed be accomodated. Miliband is the man who took the huff and left British politics when he lost the Labour leadership to his brother. Now that his brother is making such a mess of it he thinks he will return and be welcomed back like the prodigal son. A big spoilt eejit who should be chased for his life for even thinking about returning to politics. When you consider that the two highest jobs in the country are held by Cameron and Osborne and that the Milibands are the only alternative on offer it is enough to make even the most hardened weep. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat  

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