Tuesday 12 August 2014

Beware Boris the destroyer

I was warning you recently about the real threat to our future from the inexorable rise of Boris Johnson. He has now commented on the referendum campaign and told us that he will not support any further powers for the Scottish Parliament if we vote no in the coming referendum. He is at least telling us that all of the recent promises from the Westminster parties are a farrago of lies, as I have repeatedly warned you. You vote no at your peril.

This creature will become leader of the Conservative Party and will therefore become British Prime Minister. He is genuinely dangerous! He has as much understanding of politics as my Yorkshire terrier. He is a publicist who is expert at public relations and advertising himself, but when it comes to the actual substance of politics he is quite ignorant. I have repeatedly alerted you to the real ignorance of economics that dominates this nation and its policy-making. It is the same with politics. Our economics is dominated by one model, what is called the neoclassical model. Any casual examination of this model will tell you that it bears no resemblance to neoclassical economics and is a method of transferring wealth from the bottom to the top. It justifies greed and legalised theft whilst scapegoating its failings onto the most disadvantaged in society.

Its political bedfellow does the same. Any person who still thinks that Britain is a democracy is genuinely delusional. Here we have a self-publicised thug who declares that he wants to stand for Parliament and it is not only taken for granted that he will, but that he will be found a safe seat to enable his desire to be realised. I wonder if that would happen if I wanted to enter Westminster? This is a person who has a publicly demonstrated hatred of working people, the poor and trades unions. He has nothing but contempt for the Scots, the European Union and any form of opinion that clashes with his own. Anyone with even a basic understanding of politics will recognise that no-one in British politics pays even a minimal level of lip service to concepts of democracy, accountability, the rights of the people or the wellbeing of the population. Remember, following the next Westminster election the Tories have honestly told you that there are another £125 billion cuts coming immediately. They will withdraw us from the EU, finish the privatisation of the NHS, end all employment rights and wage relentless war against the poor. Johnson will be their principal cheerleader. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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