Now we have some light on the question of 'enhanced interrogation techniques' which of course is simply neoliberal jargon for torture. Have the methods used by the British and the Americans yielded significant results in their never ending war on terror? Has torture been justified on the grounds of obtaining unique and otherwise unobtainable intelligence about terrorist plots thus saving thousands of innocent lives? The answer is a resounding no! Who says so? The US Senate Intelligence Committee that's who!
The everlasting shame of British and American governments, particularly those of Blair and Bush, is their justification and use of torture. We pride ourselves on being better, morally superior to other people who descend into barbarism and inhumanity and inflict inhuman treatment on people for no other reason than that they can. What is also significant is that we have public employees, officials of the British state, who are quite prepared to do such things to other people, to complete strangers, because their bosses told them to. Some of these people may live next to you and seem quite ordinary, but in reality they are no better than the Gestapo or the people who operated Auschwitz and Dachau. Moreover, the Senate Report also highlights how the CIA have been misleading the American government and the public for years. So, how is such information reflected in the British security services, and on those cretins to continually tell us how crucial it is for GCHQ to be allowed to snoop into every aspect of everyone's life? It is bad enough that we have governments and personnel who are willing to inflict such barbarity on other human beings, but we now find out that it has no discernible purpose and is indeed ineffective.
I have said before, there is no, and can never be, any justification for the lies and secrecy we are subjected to from our politicians and civil servants. These people are public servants and it is you and I who employ them, pay their wages and pensions and finance all of their activities. They are only where they are because we, the public, vote them into office and sustain them whilst in office. We should be their masters, not the other way around as is the case today. In addition, the behaviour of our political class and its lackeys may be some tiny bit excusable if they were at least competent and knew what they were doing, but that is quite demonstrably not the case. It is truly time that the British people woke up to the fact that our Westminster system has been captured, and is being debased beyond repair, by a shower of gangsters who have only their own selfish enrichment at heart. Our democracy is a joke and our political class beyond accountability. At least the Scots have wakened to the fact that Westminster has no future and has no positive function for them. It will be interesting if enough of them have the courage to say enough is enough. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat.
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