There is something deeply malignant about the way Westminster politics is working in modern Britain. When you look at what they are actually doing, rather than on what they are saying, they are displaying a deep sense of insecurity and self-loathing. In addition, they are transforming the United Kingdom into a replica of the United States as fast as they can. The Tories for example, are obsessed with foreigners and people coming into the country taking jobs from good hardworking British workers, but appoint a Canadian to run the Bank of England and have hired a whole team of foreign advisers for their election campaigns. Labour have now joined the American bandwagon and have appointed two Americans as their election advisers. As a result the next election will be run on every kind of election strategy except one that will matter to people in the UK. What will happen is that neoliberal Australian and American economic advisers will try to show that it is whichever one of the three main parties who has hired them that will be the best at running a replica of an American economic and political system that is the result of our party leaders obsession with all things American.
Our political leaders have all been subverted by the neoliberal economic model that claims that economics is a discipline that can be studied and understood as a subject in it's own right. Nothing could be further from the truth. Economics is a social science. That means that all economic activity occurs within a particular social system that is a reflection of the culture of the society within which it takes place. Economics cannot be understood without a reference to the politics and the norms and values of the milieu within which it is occurring. Thus to properly understand economic activity and behaviour in the UK, you must have an intimate knowledge of UK culture, political, economic and social. Within the UK, that is why the Better Together campaign is floundering. They are concentrating their arguments on the wider UK context and ignoring the particular Scottish dimension that is crucial to making sense of the culture north of Carlisle.
As a result, no foreigner can properly address the UK crisis unless they have an intimate knowledge of UK culture and society. Transferring an American or Canadian economic model with the assumptions that are integral to such a model onto a British context can not, and will not, work. It has already failed spectacularly, but I seem to be the only one who recognises that. That is why the Tories don't work in Scotland, because they think they can simply transfer their class driven, monarchical and aristocratic based philosophy onto the ignorant northern hordes and be, not only understood, but welcomed with open arms. Because you see, to a Tory, his outlook and philosophical approach is so self-evidently superior to everything else it stands to reason that when the Scots see how obvious it is that we should see such people as our betters and natural rulers, then we will rush to embrace them. It is the same with the neoliberal who constantly preaches to us that there is no alternative to their economic policies.
Thus, anyone who is in any doubt what the future of the UK will be like if we vote no in the coming referendum they only need to ponder the implications of the campaigns planned for the next general election by the Labour and Tory parties with their inner cabinets of foreign advisers all dedicated to implementing right-wing political and economic structures that will complete the Americanisation of our society. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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