Channel Four news opened tonight with the statement that armed and masked Russian thugs took over more government buildings in the Ukraine today. Now I consider that Channel Four is probably the best news outlet in the world, but on this occasion I am afraid that what they did tonight is neither news nor reporting, it was an exercise in propaganda. There is no possibility of Channel Four news knowing who these people were. They may well have been Russian thugs, but Channel Four have no way of knowing whether they were either Russian or thugs, or indeed provided any evidence for such an assertion, and it is a symptom of the deep malaise that poisons political debate in this country. The British and the Europeans have a very powerful economic interest in seeing Ukraine amalgamated into the EU and falling under their economic influence and so the narrative is of big bad Russians attempting to destroy Ukraine and annexe the eastern speaking Ukrainian regions into the Russian Federation. This is despite the fact that all evidence we are seeing from these same news outlets and the interviews they carry out on the streets with Ukrainian citizens, points to the fact that a large majority of the people in the Russian speaking regions appear to want to join the Russian Federation and reject what they view as a quasi fascist Ukrainian state.
It must never be forgotten that British and European governments sponsored and encouraged the protests that led to the downfall of the Yanukovyich government in Ukraine in an attempt to forge an economic association between Ukraine and the EU which would have ruled out any form of economic association with Russia. This situation was exacerbated when the US decided to put their oar in and attempt to shape the politics of a post Yanukovyich Ukraine with the American Ukranian official Victoria Nuland being recorded telling the Ukrainians 'fuck the EU.' This situation then led to the Ukrainian parliament, the Rada, attempting to remove the Russian language as an official Ukrainian language and ban the Communist Party who had won 13% of the vote at the most recent elections. However, according to the British Foreign Secretary William Hague, a man who has never done a day's work in his life and knows as much about politics as my Yorkshire Terrier, all the conflict and disturbances lie solely at the door of the Russians.
Now, crucially, whilst the government of Yanukovyich was undoubtedly corrupt, it was directly elected, and the government that now rules is not. In addition this government has at least 5 ministers who are openly fascist, and this is the government that is championed by the British and the Americans. In addition, Naomi Klein was writing at the weekend how the Americans are stoking the Ukrainian crisis with the object of exporting fracked natural gas to Europe with the intention of getting Europe to switch their energy markets from Russia to the Americans.
There is no doubt that Russia will exploit the Ukrainian crisis to the limit, but as far as I am concerned, we must not be seduced into joining the anti-Russian chorus and painting the Russians as the baddies. In addition, as far as I am concerned, this is one battle Russia will not lose. I sincerely trust that Channel Four will come to their senses and return to an impartial view of the world, one that rejects the British and US propaganda and reports events fairly. The peace in Europe may well depend on such things.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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