A fundamental cause of the sickness that is the Westminster Parliament is the party system and the fact that the media has no one of any competence to challenge them. On Channel Four news the Prime Minister was trotting out his pathetic attempts to justify the behaviour of Maria Miller when he stated that she had been cleared by the Parliamentary Standards Committee who had voted to ask her to repay £5000 instead of the £45,000 she had swindled. It was put to him that the Standards Committee was itself a committee of MPs and he retorted that the casting votes in favour of Miller had been cast by the three lay members on the Committee. That was a blatant lie, and it was a lie by the Prime Minister on national television to the nation in defence of the indefensible. What was also significant is that none of the commentators who are supposed to be politically educated picked him up on it. Why was it a lie, because the lay members on the Standards Committee don't have a vote.
The present day Parliament is increasingly resembling a medieval hereditary court as opposed to a modern democratic and representative parliament. This is because of the ruthless centralisation that has occurred in all parties since Thatcher first started controlling who could stand for election within the Conservatives. Her famous criteria was that any candidate would have to be 'one of us'. This is one of the characteristics of British politics that I speak of when I describe the British political system as exclusive. The British spend more time excluding people at all levels of society than they spend attempting to include them. If you do not fit into the party mould, you will simply be excluded. This was pursued ruthlessly by Labour under Mad Tony and today all party candidates are vetted centrally before they can be considered for election. The choice has been taken out of local party hands because the first target for exclusion was anyone from the working class.
What this means is that local parties are faced with a narrow selection from a list of approved candidates, all of whom are picked in the knowledge that they will toe the party line and do what they are told. They have the right background and the right connections and are guaranteed to be prepared to sell their souls and self-respect in order to gain a seat. That is why the 650 at Westminster are such a sorry and incompetent lot. They are effectively mindless because they simply exist to reflect the policies and the desires of the leadership. Thus each intake of MPs are handpicked by the centre and constitute a form of heredity because the leadership are assured that they will continue with the party line and will always reflect that. That is why, although she is dead, Thatcher is still effectively leader of the Tories and Mad Tony still effectively leads Labour. As a result, members of parliament accurately reflect the leadership of their party and their corruption is a reflection of the corruption of their party. This is why the entire Westminster system is irredeemably corrupt and simply a mouthpiece for the British elite. Never be under any illusions that your MP gives a moments thought as to what your needs and wants are. They are unimportant to your MP, and I don't care who your MP is, it applies to them all. The British Member of Parliament is incapable of independent thought and is incapable of and kind of honesty. That is the character of the personnel who are in charge of decision and policy-making over all of our lives and of our futures. If it was not so profoundly serious it would make you laugh in disbelief. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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