Tuesday, 8 April 2014

George Robertson, a gold medal imbecile

I apologise for not posting for a week, but I have been unavailable. The political scene in the UK is increasingly depressing as the Westminster elite continue in their ivory tower mentality. In the context of what are regarded as democratic societies there can be few governments who are so demonstrably out of touch as the British. The latest example of the arrogance of our elite is the Culture Secretary Maria Miller. Regardless of the circumstances surrounding her moment in the eye of the storm, her situation is a very graphic example of hubris. It is the insufferable arrogance of the manner in which she attempted to simply dismiss a quite damning report of her behaviour and the accusations of bullying and intimidation of the people who sought to hold her to account for wrongdoing. These people have no shame nor dignity and are completely self-serving. Our elite genuinely believe that rules and regulations are for other people. They cannot accept that their behaviour should be held to account or that they should be bound by the constraints that the rest of us live by. We must be rid of this grotesque charade that poses as democracy.

On another note, I am continually amused by the West's determination to portray the situation in the Ukraine as bullying by the Russians. The latest tactic is to continually accuse the Russians as having annexed Crimea. This is being endlessly repeated by the Americans and their Westminster lapdogs. These people are determined to simply ignore what must be the largest demonstration of democracy in modern times. I cannot find any vote in a democratic and open contest that even comes close to the vote exercised by the Crimean people which I will remind you resulted in a 97% vote to join Russia from an 83% turnout. This means that eight out of every ten Crimean's who are eligible to vote cast a vote in favour of being incorporated into the Russian Federation and rejected continuing as a part of Ukraine. This is, however, portrayed by our vile gangster elite as an annexation.

If I may remind you of the words of the American Secretary of State John Kerry "In the 21st century you just simply don't invade other countries on a completely trumped up pretext". That definitely marks this man down for the next Nobel Prize for sheer hypocrisy and affrontery. This is from the country that invaded Iraq on a farrago of lies and caused an estimated half a million deaths. If anything was a completely trumped up pretext it has been the United States and British actions in the Middle East over the past 15 years.

However, the gold medal for sheer imbecility this week must go to the Labour politician and ex Secretary General of NATO George Robertson who has just announced that a Yes vote in the Scottish Independence referendum would be 'cataclysmic.' Scottish Independence, we are informed,
"would have a "cataclysmic" effect on European and global stability by undermining the UK on the world stage." He was of course giving this piece of momentous stupidity to an American audience who will pay handsomely to have their intelligence insulted in such a manner. This clown occupies a seat in the House of Lords and is of course a very good example of the membership of that noble institution that is so representative of .................... (fill in the blanks as required)! Robertson thrilled his American audience by telling them that "a yes vote would give succour to separatist movements across Europe, risk destabilising Northern Ireland and embolden dictators and "annexers" around the world." I assume his reference to annexers is Russia.

How long are we going to put up with this disgusting Westminster system and the atrocious personnel who inhabit it? The solution is yours, you have been warned!

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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