I began my book on human rights with the story of how a twelve year old boy was hauled out of class by Special Branch officers and threatened for the 'crime' of organising a picket of David Cameron's constituency office over the closure of youth clubs in his constituency. Today we read how Cameron's local bishop and minister in the Church of England were confronted by police when they appeared at the same office to hand in a petition against food banks and poverty. The two men had phoned and informed the office that they were coming but they were refused entrance and the staff refused to answer the door. It appears however that the police in this occasion were too embarrassed to do anything other than watch. It speaks volumes that the police are more sensitive than our Prime Minister.
As I said in the last post, politics in this country are becoming truly malignant and genuinely out of control. The Prime Minister is an elected politician, nobody elected him as Prime Minister, that is an office granted to him by his election as leader of his party, not by the electorate. The fact that he is Prime Minister is completely immaterial to the fact that he is an elected representative and therefore totally accountable to the people who elected him. We must never lose sight of these fundamentals about our system of governance, which, as events like this highlight, is completely broken. In situations like this we are perfectly entitled to ask the question, who does this man Cameron think he is?
The irony of this is that this is not even a week since this person was reported in all the papers and TV telling us how we are a Christian nation and should be evangelical about our faith. I am deeply grateful that I am not a Christian and therefore cannot be classified in any kind of category that would align me with such odious cretins. If Cameron is correct then that means that Christianity must be associated with class war, deliberately impoverishing millions of our fellow citizens, not only causing the phenomenon of food banks but praising them as a good thing, demonising working people, the poor, the disabled and excluding millions of your fellow citizens from any meaningful participation in society. In my experience that is a good description of the reality of Christianity throughout history, a belief system that undoubtedly has benefited many people and does a lot of good, but has also undoubtedly done far more harm and caused far more distress and evil than any good it has been responsible for.
But this is not a diatribe against Christianity, it is against the hypocrisy and immorality of the Westminster system of government. It is a warning against the direction of British politics and its devastation of society and its class nature and how, under its present structural arrangements it is beyond repair. Westminster is wholly unrepresentative and I will keep repeating that until we get some redress. Politics in Britain is broken and we have a chance to effect some kind of change on September 18th. If we don't take that opportunity, the Cameron's of the world will win and this country will be doomed to live under an increasingly unaccountable tyranny by this political mafia. As Don Lucchesi tells Vincent Corleone, finance is a gun, politics is knowing when to pull the trigger. The Cameron's and the Milliband's of this world have handed all the guns to the financial classes and are happily pulling the trigger when they are told to. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doctor Kommirat
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