Since the start of this blog I have been warning you that the ruling elite in this country are determined to completely privatise the health service and destroy the institution we call the NHS. Today's papers are carrying reports of the latest report from the think tank Reform calling for everyone in the UK to pay £10 a month through the council tax to pay for the NHS and for overnight stays in hospital to be charged hotel rates. This is the start of the complete Americanisation of the health system in Britain.
Such proposals may not be realised, but what they are intended to do is test the water and begin to plant the seeds for similar proposals that will eventually emerge as 'facts' for which 'there is no alternative.'
The NHS is indeed in difficulty because of funding and lack of staff, but I remind you, this is all quite deliberate. The Westminster parties, and I include them all in this, are quite happily creating a crisis within the health services in Britain to justify ending the service as we know it. This is a good example of how the neoliberals apply the Shock Doctrine in order to destroy something and blame it on the conditions of the thing itself, rather than admit that such conditions were manufactured with the precise intention of causing its destruction. This think tank, Reform, claims that it is an independent non-party charitable organisation, but was founded by two Tory MPs and has a Board staffed with neoliberal politicians and businessmen. It is supported by firms such as G4S and Serco and all the other vultures making fortunes out of the privatisation of our public services. I trust you also note that whilst making fortunes out of privatisation, these firms are also grossly incompetent and totally corrupt.
Make no mistake, unless there is a complete and genuine reform of Westminster, not only of the style of politics practised within it, but a wholesale reform of the personnel we continually vote into it, the NHS is doomed. Such a reform of Westminster is not, of course, going to happen. The only hope we have is a vote for an independent Scotland where such things will no happen. However, there is no question that the NHS in its present form in England and Wales will not survive. Policy-making at Westminster is in the hands of unscrupulous scoundrels with sinister intentions.
This is the 7th richest country in the world and there is plenty of money for health, free at the point of use. What is lacking is the will to provide it. Tax evasion on its own amounts to three times the annual NHS deficit. Bankers bonuses annually pay out more than the NHS deficit which is estimated at £30billion. The costs of illegal and pointless military wars and occupations of foreign countries far outstrip the money needed for an efficient health service. To say that this country can't afford the NHS, even in these times of austerity is simply a barefaced lie, and it is a barefaced lie promoted by the whole Westminster establishment. Your politicians are both liars and fraudsters who all seek to make a lot of money out of the bribery and corruption on offer from the private firms who stand to make fortunes out of the destruction of the NHS and its subsequent privatisation. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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