Dundee is Scotland's fourth largest city with a population in 2015 of 148,210. Scotland has an estimated nominal gross domestic product of £152 billion and in 2014 its per capita GDP was one of the highest in the EU. Scotland is a part of the United Kingdom, the seventh richest nation on earth.
Yesterday the Trussell Trust, Britain's largest aid charity, announced that they had distributed food parcels from its foodbanks in Scotland in the last calendar year equivalent to feeding the entire population of Dundee for three days. At the UK level, the Trust handed out 1.2 million emergency three day food packages and saw a 40% increase in people needing their services. Significantly almost half of those requiring to use foodbanks because of food poverty and hunger are in work. That is the reality of life in Great Britain under the Tories. This is a collection of people who have no shame, no dignity, no self-respect, but most importantly they are devoid of any spectre of decency and they are the people that the majority of the British electorate are freely and willingly voting for. The Westminster led British bourgeoisie must rank amongst the most rapacious, venal and immoral people in the world, so what does that tell you about the electorate?
What never seems to occur to the British people is that none of this is either inevitable or necessary. Inequality in this country is staggering, completely unacceptable, and has gone beyond the obscene. That foodbanks even exist is testimony to Westminster's complete denial of their democratic first principle, the health and well-being of all British citizens. If people are going hungry then that is an emergency, if they are continually hungry as a result of deliberate government policy then that is a crime. I will be surprised if this coming election does not result in one of the lowest turnouts on record as we will see the result of the old Biblical principle that where there is no vision the people perish.
Today in the Scottish Parliament there was a debate on the Tories policy of requiring any female who is claiming child benefit tax credits to prove that if they have more than two children they must prove that one of them is the result of a rape before they can qualify. This requires them to fill out an eight page form that will be a matter of public record and will publicise that a child has been conceived of rape. This is one of the most hideous policies imaginable and is a low that even I never thought the Tories could sink to. It was vigorously defended by the Scottish Tories and the grotesque Ruth Davidson who once again claimed that "it was the right thing to do." She refused to condemn it, and stoutly supported it knowing that it will not cost them one vote amongst the braindead who vote Tory without a shred of compassion or charity. As I continually warn you, Britain has become a dark place where rape receives no compassion or sympathy and people in work are consigned to supplementing their income with free food from charities whilst those with no income are left to starve unless a charity keeps them alive. I will stop here because I am becoming more and more angry as I write this and I will say something that will be offensive. The Tories will win the coming election comfortably and then Theresa May will be free to unleash the mayhem she is desperate to inflict on this sorry nation. If that is how this nation votes then they must be wanting the carnage that awaits them. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Tuesday, 25 April 2017
Our leaders are leading us to disaster
I have been watching the direction of politics in what are commonly described as democratic societies and I am becoming more convinced that democracy is dying, and it is dying by popular consent. The reason for my pessimism is the obsession with what is described as leadership. I speak to people about politics and probe them about their concerns and attitudes and I am quite convinced that, on balance, most people do not begin to understand the fundamental elements of a democratic society. We have become obsessed with personality. This, I fear, is the result of a popular culture that focuses on complete nonentities and elevates them to a status position based on appearance and presentation regardless of substance, ability, or any evidence of intelligence.
I was brought up to regard people who were listeners. I listen to people and always look at them when I am speaking to them. This disturbs other people who are accustomed to speaking to other people who are constantly looking away when they are being spoken to. They have a difficulty focusing and have a very limited attention span. This is another aspect of modern culture as all studies in education tell us that students have neither the patience or the interest to read or to concentrate for any other than short bursts of time. Most importantly they do not listen. They need visual stimulus and communicate in what are called sound bites, short pieces of dialogue, and is why they are so attracted to modern phenomenon such a Twitter. This is of course the result of digital technology. As a result, people are attracted by celebrities who communicate in the same way, thus the popularity of people like Donald Trump, Nigel Farage and the rabble rouser type of political communicator, and it appears to matter nothing if such people are quite obviously lying through their teeth or actually telling them something that has no substance.
Democracy is about participation, not just voting. It is about accountability. but above all it is a collective venture and not about leaders. Leadership of course is important, but only to the extent that they reflect a collective will and are able to both act upon and deliver that collective will. Thus, a leader is a team member. What we see in the west are leaders to whom democracy is a nuisance, a constraint on their ability to get their own way and do whatever they want. This has been the pattern in Britain since Thatcher. Mad Tony took it to new heights as he even dispensed with his Cabinet for the important decisions, such as going to war, but Mayhem is going beyond the pale as she appears to believe that she is answerable to no one. She is on record as deciding to call an election whilst on a walking holiday, which is not itself controversial but she then implemented her plan without even discussing it with her closest colleagues.
As I continually warn you we will find ourselves in an authoritarian age if we are not vigilant. Leaders feel justified in dispensing with their elected colleagues and institutions that have been appointed to make sure that they cannot do what they are in fact doing. Thus our representative institutions are shamefully abrogating their responsibilities at the same time they should be exercising them to defend us from the forces that are destroying our democratic rights. If the Tories win this election with a substantial majority this nation will be in one sorry state as they are of the most authoritarian mentality I have witnessed in my lifetime.
I can't help feeling that this post has been a bit rambling and I'm not sure if I've accurately communicated what it is I want to, but I hope it is clear enough that you get my meaning. As Bob Dylan warned us, don't follow leaders and watch for parking meters. He's right, don't listen to what leaders tell you, watch what they do. Remember, by their fruits shall ye know them. Sound advice. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
I was brought up to regard people who were listeners. I listen to people and always look at them when I am speaking to them. This disturbs other people who are accustomed to speaking to other people who are constantly looking away when they are being spoken to. They have a difficulty focusing and have a very limited attention span. This is another aspect of modern culture as all studies in education tell us that students have neither the patience or the interest to read or to concentrate for any other than short bursts of time. Most importantly they do not listen. They need visual stimulus and communicate in what are called sound bites, short pieces of dialogue, and is why they are so attracted to modern phenomenon such a Twitter. This is of course the result of digital technology. As a result, people are attracted by celebrities who communicate in the same way, thus the popularity of people like Donald Trump, Nigel Farage and the rabble rouser type of political communicator, and it appears to matter nothing if such people are quite obviously lying through their teeth or actually telling them something that has no substance.
Democracy is about participation, not just voting. It is about accountability. but above all it is a collective venture and not about leaders. Leadership of course is important, but only to the extent that they reflect a collective will and are able to both act upon and deliver that collective will. Thus, a leader is a team member. What we see in the west are leaders to whom democracy is a nuisance, a constraint on their ability to get their own way and do whatever they want. This has been the pattern in Britain since Thatcher. Mad Tony took it to new heights as he even dispensed with his Cabinet for the important decisions, such as going to war, but Mayhem is going beyond the pale as she appears to believe that she is answerable to no one. She is on record as deciding to call an election whilst on a walking holiday, which is not itself controversial but she then implemented her plan without even discussing it with her closest colleagues.
As I continually warn you we will find ourselves in an authoritarian age if we are not vigilant. Leaders feel justified in dispensing with their elected colleagues and institutions that have been appointed to make sure that they cannot do what they are in fact doing. Thus our representative institutions are shamefully abrogating their responsibilities at the same time they should be exercising them to defend us from the forces that are destroying our democratic rights. If the Tories win this election with a substantial majority this nation will be in one sorry state as they are of the most authoritarian mentality I have witnessed in my lifetime.
I can't help feeling that this post has been a bit rambling and I'm not sure if I've accurately communicated what it is I want to, but I hope it is clear enough that you get my meaning. As Bob Dylan warned us, don't follow leaders and watch for parking meters. He's right, don't listen to what leaders tell you, watch what they do. Remember, by their fruits shall ye know them. Sound advice. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Thursday, 20 April 2017
Not a Tory? You will soon be seen as a terrorist, you have been warned!
Well here we go again with Mayhem calling a general election in June. This will mark the UK's sixth and Scotland's seventh, election in just three years. We will have had the European elections, two general elections, local government elections, the EU referendum and in Scotland the Independence referendum, all since May 2014. Already the Daily Mail and the Sun have unleashed a torrent of hate and abuse against non-Tories and all those who seek to dilute the prospects of a complete break from the EU and the disasters that will surely follow. The Mail in particular has now abandoned any pretence of respecting democratic decency and the concept of legitimate opposition. Its headline was 'crush the saboteurs' which many people were quick to point out was Lenin's rallying cry to the Bolsheviks following the October Revolution. Those of you who are sceptical about my persistent warnings about Britain sliding into totalitarianism may wish to contemplate the nature of political discourse in this garbage heap of a nation. People who oppose the Tory agenda of authoritarian rule and reducing the British working class to a slave like state were labelled the enemy within by the Blessed Margaret. We are now saboteurs according to the Tory high command. This is the language of tyrants. It is only a matter of time before we are labelled terrorists.
I don't know how interested people from overseas are in British politics, but I trust you will understand that Britain is not alone in the creeping authoritarianism that threatens to destroy democracy throughout the world so there are lessons to be learned from our experience. I trust you will bear with me if I share my thoughts with you on our national predicament. Such is the situation in this country that two of the most prominent Scottish conservative and unionist political commentators are now gloomily predicting that Scotland will be independent within the next ten years. They are becoming resigned to the fact that the Tories are now so dominant in England and so toxic because of their arrogance and contempt for everyone else that the Scots have had enough and even natural unionists are turning against them. As for the Labour Party, they are a serious joke and are in danger of becoming redundant as a result of abandoning all pretence of being a serious opposition.
Despite the constant assurances that we Scots are a valued partner in 'our precious union' and her insistence that she sees this election as a way to strengthen her precious union, Mayhem quite openly treats the Scots with contempt and persistently ignores every initiative and suggestion that comes out of Scotland. As one wit recently put it, like Gollum, Mayhem 'wants her precious regardless of the damage done to anyone else'. Despite having 56 MPs in the pigsty the SNP are persistently mocked and pointedly ignored by the whole Westminster machine, the London centred press and the entire English dominated media. As you know we voted by 62% to remain within the EU and the Scottish government presented the pigsty with a 300 page document in December outlining various different options to allow Scotland to have a closer relationship with the EU after Brexit; the Tories haven't even replied, but encourage their lackeys in the media to brand us as saboteurs. The latest snub is the rejection of any discussion on a second independence referendum. So, there is no recognition of any democratic responsibility to the significant majority of Scots who dissent from the pigsty's narrative or even a hint of discussion on Scotland's concerns.
In addition, you will be aware of the problems that Brexit has posed for the very fragile situation in Northern Ireland. Today, both Sinn Fein and the SDLP have described Mayhem's actions in calling this election as 'throwing a grenade into the middle of the peace process'. At least Mayhem is consistent as she stands accused of 'displaying a blatant disregard to the people of Northern Ireland.' As I continually warn you, the Tories have become really quite dangerous and are revelling in the dark side of British politics. This is the Blessed Margaret's legacy, there is no alternative, and no alternatives will be considered or even discussed. I planned to give you an update as to the damage Brexit is doing to this nation already, but will try to do so later. The English electorate are heading for disaster. If it happens it will be of their own making. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
I don't know how interested people from overseas are in British politics, but I trust you will understand that Britain is not alone in the creeping authoritarianism that threatens to destroy democracy throughout the world so there are lessons to be learned from our experience. I trust you will bear with me if I share my thoughts with you on our national predicament. Such is the situation in this country that two of the most prominent Scottish conservative and unionist political commentators are now gloomily predicting that Scotland will be independent within the next ten years. They are becoming resigned to the fact that the Tories are now so dominant in England and so toxic because of their arrogance and contempt for everyone else that the Scots have had enough and even natural unionists are turning against them. As for the Labour Party, they are a serious joke and are in danger of becoming redundant as a result of abandoning all pretence of being a serious opposition.
Despite the constant assurances that we Scots are a valued partner in 'our precious union' and her insistence that she sees this election as a way to strengthen her precious union, Mayhem quite openly treats the Scots with contempt and persistently ignores every initiative and suggestion that comes out of Scotland. As one wit recently put it, like Gollum, Mayhem 'wants her precious regardless of the damage done to anyone else'. Despite having 56 MPs in the pigsty the SNP are persistently mocked and pointedly ignored by the whole Westminster machine, the London centred press and the entire English dominated media. As you know we voted by 62% to remain within the EU and the Scottish government presented the pigsty with a 300 page document in December outlining various different options to allow Scotland to have a closer relationship with the EU after Brexit; the Tories haven't even replied, but encourage their lackeys in the media to brand us as saboteurs. The latest snub is the rejection of any discussion on a second independence referendum. So, there is no recognition of any democratic responsibility to the significant majority of Scots who dissent from the pigsty's narrative or even a hint of discussion on Scotland's concerns.
In addition, you will be aware of the problems that Brexit has posed for the very fragile situation in Northern Ireland. Today, both Sinn Fein and the SDLP have described Mayhem's actions in calling this election as 'throwing a grenade into the middle of the peace process'. At least Mayhem is consistent as she stands accused of 'displaying a blatant disregard to the people of Northern Ireland.' As I continually warn you, the Tories have become really quite dangerous and are revelling in the dark side of British politics. This is the Blessed Margaret's legacy, there is no alternative, and no alternatives will be considered or even discussed. I planned to give you an update as to the damage Brexit is doing to this nation already, but will try to do so later. The English electorate are heading for disaster. If it happens it will be of their own making. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Sunday, 16 April 2017
I'm not sure about Prime Minister, but Theresa Mayhem is definitely a prime something!
Either the British Prime Minister has an enlightened sense of irony or she is even thicker than I give her credit for. In her Easter message Theresa May has called for the British people to show compassion and a sense of community and citizenship, as well as tolerance of other religions, to meet the challenges and divisions caused by the decision to leave the EU. She told us that
“This year, after a period of intense debate over the right future for our country, there is a sense that people are coming together and uniting behind the opportunities that lie ahead. For at heart, this country is one great union of people and nations with a proud history and a bright future. And as we face the opportunities ahead – the opportunities that stem from our decision to leave the EU, and embrace the world – our shared interests, our shared ambitions and, above all, our shared values can and must bring us together.”
This is a message from someone who is either in deep despair and is indulging in the grossest form of wishful thinking, or completely delusional and divorced from reality. Where she gets her sense that people are coming together and uniting is a complete mystery and is definitely not from a realistic evaluation of contemporary Britain. This is a nation riven with division from top to bottom, and the biggest culprits causing such division are Theresa Mayhem and her vicious class ridden government. We are divided geographically, nationally, by class, by ethnicity and by inequality. Even people from other nations are fully aware of Britain's much publicised North-South divide, by the divisions caused by Brexit, by the increasing probability of Scottish Independence, by the divisions they have created in Ireland over the Brexit settlement etc. etc. The most pressing need for compassion lies with this government and its completely heartless public policy agenda. We now have an issue enshrined in law whereby child benefit is frozen for people with more than two children. If a woman has had a child as a result of rape, then that woman will have to appear in front of a panel and prove that she has been raped to qualify for a third child benefit. In addition, that child will now be officially stigmatised on record as being the product of rape. So much for compassionate Conservatism.
On the subject of division, the Sun newspaper is barred from all activities surrounding Liverpool football club as I have told you before. However, Liverpool has two major football clubs, the other being Everton, which is named after the district of Liverpool they play in. On Friday, Everton also barred the Sun from association from all its activities, and therefore the Sun as a corporation and any of its journalists, are barred from both football clubs, their grounds, interviews with players and officials etc. and will probably no longer be able to sell a newspaper in the city at all. This is because the Sun ran a disgraceful racist article on one of Everton's players of Nigerian origin comparing him to a gorilla. In addition it made extremely derogatory remarks about the citizens of Liverpool as well. This is a typical example of the utter contempt the British elite display for working class people and those who live outside the immediate influence of London and the Home Counties. Liverpool voted to Remain in the referendum and so they must be punished.
The last thing in the world that the British people enjoy are shared interests, ambitions and values. We are a disunited fractious nation that is getting worse on a daily basis. I have no interests or values in common with the bulk of people in this ghastly nation who hate immigrants, Muslims, Jews and foreigners in general. I at least have a modicum of self-respect in the fact that I have never purchased a Sun newspaper in my life, nor have I ever voted Tory. I cannot think of one bourgeois value that I subscribe to, though I admit there are probably some I haven't thought of. I intended writing about Easter and so-called Christian values given that this is Easter Sunday, but I could not let Mayhem's utter hypocrisy pass without comment. In conclusion I trust you are following the progress of Brexit as it appears it is becoming an even bigger disaster for this nation than I hoped for. I am getting increasingly excited at the prospect, because, as I noted earlier, it is only a disaster that is going to bring the English to their senses. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Thursday, 13 April 2017
You underestimate the enemy if you think they are ignorant
I was considering what I posted yesterday and concluded that it was a bit rambling. I think I was trying to say too much in too short a space. I was trying to make the point that people's dissatisfaction in their daily experience of an obvious deterioration in service, manners and general behaviour is the result of a dominant ideology that is dehumanising. If you cease to view people as customers and only see them as consumers then you lose the human dimension that is necessary for civilised interaction, resulting in the treatment United Airlines considered acceptable to a paying customer who was a victim of the airline's own incompetence. If you persistently promote a dominant ideology of aggressive and selfish individualism you will produce aggressive selfish individuals and those are the type of employees sought by aggressive selfish corporations.
However, my point is also that such behaviour is not the result of people who are unaware how uncivilised and anti-social they are. Such people know exactly what they are doing but are completely indifferent to others. They don't care what the effect of their behaviour is and will justify it because they will not admit they have done anything wrong, as the first reactions from United Airlines demonstrated. They will only alter their position when it affects them personally, when it meets with widespread ridicule or anger and impacts on them directly. The best example of that of course is President Trump a person who can quite glibly promote several contradictory positions during the course of the same day. Trump personifies the malaise that permeates our modern societies, the absence of shame, decency, dignity and self-respect that characterises the modern politician. I am not having a go at Americans here as you are well aware that I regard the scum that inhabits the pigsty as the worst offenders.
In the same spirit we have the situation where the most influential opinion and decision makers in both the US and the UK are ferocious climate change deniers. The scientific community in the US concluded that after meeting with the US House of Representatives Science Committee, Republican climate change deniers were 'woefully ignorant'. However, my point is that in describing the climate change deniers as woefully ignorant they are completely missing the point and falling into the well-worn trap of failing to recognise that such people are not in the least ignorant, they know exactly what they are doing. These people know what climate change is doing, they just don't care. If measures to combat climate change pose a threat to their immediate interests and the interests of those they serve (because you are really gullible if you think for one second that they serve the interests of the American people) they will do everything in their power to prevent such measures and will demonise and humiliate those who advocate them. Most people, like the scientists, are decent thoughtful people who cannot bring themselves to admit that other people will see the dangers posed by issues such as climate change and ignore them. They cannot believe that people will deliberately endanger the future of the planet and their own families for profit. That is their great mistake. I wrote
recently about how that is exactly what global corporations are doing in El Salvador, sacrificing a whole nation for profit. I have also written in the past how the ideology that inspires them justifies such behaviour and sanctions it.
In the UK we have senior Tories, such as the quite loathsome Nigel Lawson, a truly despicable creature, who will do and say anything to deny climate change and prevent meaningful efforts to combat it. Such people are the true disciples of the Blessed Margaret and her mantra that there is no alternative. All this is done for money, for personal enrichment. What irritates me most is how people like our scientists are always prepared to give such people the benefit of the doubt. They must be exposed for the inhuman insatiably greedy and selfish filth that they are, but most importantly, the anti-social fascist ideology that motivates them must be exposed and completely discredited. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
However, my point is also that such behaviour is not the result of people who are unaware how uncivilised and anti-social they are. Such people know exactly what they are doing but are completely indifferent to others. They don't care what the effect of their behaviour is and will justify it because they will not admit they have done anything wrong, as the first reactions from United Airlines demonstrated. They will only alter their position when it affects them personally, when it meets with widespread ridicule or anger and impacts on them directly. The best example of that of course is President Trump a person who can quite glibly promote several contradictory positions during the course of the same day. Trump personifies the malaise that permeates our modern societies, the absence of shame, decency, dignity and self-respect that characterises the modern politician. I am not having a go at Americans here as you are well aware that I regard the scum that inhabits the pigsty as the worst offenders.
In the same spirit we have the situation where the most influential opinion and decision makers in both the US and the UK are ferocious climate change deniers. The scientific community in the US concluded that after meeting with the US House of Representatives Science Committee, Republican climate change deniers were 'woefully ignorant'. However, my point is that in describing the climate change deniers as woefully ignorant they are completely missing the point and falling into the well-worn trap of failing to recognise that such people are not in the least ignorant, they know exactly what they are doing. These people know what climate change is doing, they just don't care. If measures to combat climate change pose a threat to their immediate interests and the interests of those they serve (because you are really gullible if you think for one second that they serve the interests of the American people) they will do everything in their power to prevent such measures and will demonise and humiliate those who advocate them. Most people, like the scientists, are decent thoughtful people who cannot bring themselves to admit that other people will see the dangers posed by issues such as climate change and ignore them. They cannot believe that people will deliberately endanger the future of the planet and their own families for profit. That is their great mistake. I wrote
recently about how that is exactly what global corporations are doing in El Salvador, sacrificing a whole nation for profit. I have also written in the past how the ideology that inspires them justifies such behaviour and sanctions it.
In the UK we have senior Tories, such as the quite loathsome Nigel Lawson, a truly despicable creature, who will do and say anything to deny climate change and prevent meaningful efforts to combat it. Such people are the true disciples of the Blessed Margaret and her mantra that there is no alternative. All this is done for money, for personal enrichment. What irritates me most is how people like our scientists are always prepared to give such people the benefit of the doubt. They must be exposed for the inhuman insatiably greedy and selfish filth that they are, but most importantly, the anti-social fascist ideology that motivates them must be exposed and completely discredited. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Wednesday, 12 April 2017
You're getting the service and the treatment you asked for!
I really must apologise for failing to post for the past nine days, but I have been decorating and my house has been in turmoil. Neither have I been really keeping up to date with events as I should have. What I have noticed is the debate that has erupted over the matter of customer service, particularly in the United States. If I have understood it properly the public in the US are generally really unhappy with what they claim is a large deterioration in customer service at all levels, from the service you get generally in shops, restaurants, transport services etc. This has been highlighted by the events surrounding United Airlines in the past few days.
I have not personally experienced this. As you know, I travel about the UK quite a lot and I find I am well-treated by most people most of the time. I am well aware however, how the general public are treated by public servants and by the police and how such attitudes are a reflection of the dominant ideology and the dominant class. The dominant ideology is of course a class ideology in the UK and in the US it appears to be a mixture of class and race. You will all be familiar with my admiration for Adam Smith as you will also be familiar with my opinion that I know an Adam Smith that I claim is an entirely different Adam Smith from the one we are all taught about and whom the free market economistic halfwits freely and completely ignorantly quote as their authority. The dominant Adam Smith as taught in our highest and most august seats of learning on both sides of the Atlantic is a myth, a fictional character who never existed. My Adam Smith was a real person, a gentle, humble genius who tells us that "the great never look upon their inferiors as their fellow-creatures", and in our free market individualist society there we have the answer to why there is great dissatisfaction with service and basic manners. As Solomon tells us in the Bible, there is nothing new under the sun, or words to that effect, and in that sentence Smith explains the anger of the public that seems to be simmering within our populations all of the time at the attitudes of the great and the good, and their quite open contempt for the rest of us that they no longer bother to hide.
Again I remind you, such attitudes are the result of the embedding of a class ideology that promotes greed and selfishness and an indifference to the plight of others, an ideology that demands the rights of the great and good transcend all other considerations and demands that if other people's rights infringe upon theirs then those rights will have to be forfeit. At last many commentators are beginning to see what has been blindingly obvious for decades, but I really doubt that anyone is listening. That is why I tell you that we are governed by people who are well-schooled but not at all well-educated. It has taken them decades to see what I have been warning you about since I began this blog and have been writing about for years. In Britain we have Brexit because our electorate refuse to admit that their problems are of their own making and are the result of their choices at elections. The US have Trump for the same reasons. However, the response by both electorates is to scapegoat, to blame other people because they cannot bring themselves to admit that they are wrong. Our people are now so politically ignorant and stupid that they call people like Obama a socialist. So dominant is the free market poison that any form of public spending or government regulation is labelled socialist or even communist. I now ask people what socialism is knowing full well that they will not be able to tell me. I say they are stupid because they are either too lazy or too indoctrinated to challenge such arrant nonsense, or to even find out what socialism is. As Smith again explains
"Upon this disposition of mankind, to go along with all the passions of the rich and powerful, is founded the distinctions of ranks, and the order of society….Even when the order of society seems to require that we should oppose them, we can hardly bring ourselves to do it. That kings are the servant of the people, to be obeyed, resisted, opposed or punished, as the public conveniency may require, is the doctrine of reason and philosophy; but it is not the doctrine of Nature".
Kings, rulers, governments, are the servants of the people, not the other way around. Again, I have often quoted that sentence to people and asked them if they know who said it and they always answer, Karl Marx. That of course is a guess they make, but it is typical of how they view the world. Thus by todays standards of intellectual narrative, Adam Smith is a socialist, that is how politically and intellectually braindead we have become. In the UK the monarchy are the fountainhead of the class system but the people are so blinded by pomp and circumstance that they grovel to the most dysfunctional family in the nation, a collection of inbreds and misfits. I told you before, when I voiced the opinion that Theresa May was a genuinely stupid person, a very well-schooled and pleasant gentleman looked at me in horror and said that she was Prime Minister, and when I asked him so-what? he was speechless. That was his response, she is Prime Minister and therefore cannot be stupid. She must know what she is doing. I mean that is a herd mentality but is typical of what passes for political discourse in this pathetic nation. The Bible exhorts us to 'prove all things and hold fast to that which is good'. That is a commandment, not a request. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
I have not personally experienced this. As you know, I travel about the UK quite a lot and I find I am well-treated by most people most of the time. I am well aware however, how the general public are treated by public servants and by the police and how such attitudes are a reflection of the dominant ideology and the dominant class. The dominant ideology is of course a class ideology in the UK and in the US it appears to be a mixture of class and race. You will all be familiar with my admiration for Adam Smith as you will also be familiar with my opinion that I know an Adam Smith that I claim is an entirely different Adam Smith from the one we are all taught about and whom the free market economistic halfwits freely and completely ignorantly quote as their authority. The dominant Adam Smith as taught in our highest and most august seats of learning on both sides of the Atlantic is a myth, a fictional character who never existed. My Adam Smith was a real person, a gentle, humble genius who tells us that "the great never look upon their inferiors as their fellow-creatures", and in our free market individualist society there we have the answer to why there is great dissatisfaction with service and basic manners. As Solomon tells us in the Bible, there is nothing new under the sun, or words to that effect, and in that sentence Smith explains the anger of the public that seems to be simmering within our populations all of the time at the attitudes of the great and the good, and their quite open contempt for the rest of us that they no longer bother to hide.
Again I remind you, such attitudes are the result of the embedding of a class ideology that promotes greed and selfishness and an indifference to the plight of others, an ideology that demands the rights of the great and good transcend all other considerations and demands that if other people's rights infringe upon theirs then those rights will have to be forfeit. At last many commentators are beginning to see what has been blindingly obvious for decades, but I really doubt that anyone is listening. That is why I tell you that we are governed by people who are well-schooled but not at all well-educated. It has taken them decades to see what I have been warning you about since I began this blog and have been writing about for years. In Britain we have Brexit because our electorate refuse to admit that their problems are of their own making and are the result of their choices at elections. The US have Trump for the same reasons. However, the response by both electorates is to scapegoat, to blame other people because they cannot bring themselves to admit that they are wrong. Our people are now so politically ignorant and stupid that they call people like Obama a socialist. So dominant is the free market poison that any form of public spending or government regulation is labelled socialist or even communist. I now ask people what socialism is knowing full well that they will not be able to tell me. I say they are stupid because they are either too lazy or too indoctrinated to challenge such arrant nonsense, or to even find out what socialism is. As Smith again explains
"Upon this disposition of mankind, to go along with all the passions of the rich and powerful, is founded the distinctions of ranks, and the order of society….Even when the order of society seems to require that we should oppose them, we can hardly bring ourselves to do it. That kings are the servant of the people, to be obeyed, resisted, opposed or punished, as the public conveniency may require, is the doctrine of reason and philosophy; but it is not the doctrine of Nature".
Kings, rulers, governments, are the servants of the people, not the other way around. Again, I have often quoted that sentence to people and asked them if they know who said it and they always answer, Karl Marx. That of course is a guess they make, but it is typical of how they view the world. Thus by todays standards of intellectual narrative, Adam Smith is a socialist, that is how politically and intellectually braindead we have become. In the UK the monarchy are the fountainhead of the class system but the people are so blinded by pomp and circumstance that they grovel to the most dysfunctional family in the nation, a collection of inbreds and misfits. I told you before, when I voiced the opinion that Theresa May was a genuinely stupid person, a very well-schooled and pleasant gentleman looked at me in horror and said that she was Prime Minister, and when I asked him so-what? he was speechless. That was his response, she is Prime Minister and therefore cannot be stupid. She must know what she is doing. I mean that is a herd mentality but is typical of what passes for political discourse in this pathetic nation. The Bible exhorts us to 'prove all things and hold fast to that which is good'. That is a commandment, not a request. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Monday, 3 April 2017
El Salvador a beacon of hope
Hats off to El Salvador as it has just become the first country in the world to ban the mining of metals. El Salvador has a population of 6.38 million living within 8,124 square miles, an area that consists of only 1.5% water. If I can compare this with Scotland we have a population of 5.3 million but occupying 30,090 square miles. As a result, it is very densely populated in comparison to Scotland. I don't know what percentage of Scotland contains water, but it must be a great deal higher than 1.5%. Loch Lomond itself is 27 miles long, and, as I am sure you will know, is only 4 miles longer than Loch Ness. Ness is 745 feet deep whilst Lomond is 620 feet at its deepest. That's a lot of water. If you consult a map of Scotland you will see that we have a great many other lochs as well, though not quite as big. What is important in this seemingly meaningless drivel is that El Salvador's water supplies are 90% undrinkable because of toxic contamination by mining chemicals, principally mercury and cyanide. El Salvador's principal river is apparently a bright orange. Thus, a rather densely populated nation with a limited water supply has been forced, by the imperatives of human survival, to ban the cause of their crisis regardless of the consequences for their economy.
This is the end product of the free market, the literal destruction of a nation. This is the result of deregulation and allowing corporations to pursue their own selfish interests. It makes a complete nonsense of the free market claims of self-regulation. It is a graphic example of the stupidity and inhumanity of free market economics, and of the global corporations that exploit the barbarity of an ideology that puts profits before human existence. I have stated in this blog since I first began that the greatest threat to human life is the free market. It is the greatest threat to civilisation and is the driving force behind terrorism, war, global warming, inequality and poverty. It is an ideology founded on an illusion and a set of absurd hypotheses. The concept of 'the market' is devoid of ethical and moral considerations and is championed by the most feral and loathsome people in existence. I am indebted to the Scottish newspaper The National for the following quote. Water and mining expert Andreas McKinley of Central American University in San Salvador told us that "Mining is an industry whose primary and first victim is water. We are talking about an issue that is a life-or-death issue for the country." Now, that is self-evident, human life cannot continue where there is no water, and yet, despite this, the government of El Salvador had to fight a seven year battle with the mining companies in the arbitration tribunal of the World Bank before the tribunal ruled in El Salvador's favour. The mining companies were prepared to see a whole nation literally die, rather than give up on their voracious pursuit of profit. None of the wealth extracted from El Salvador however, has ever been enjoyed by its people.
What El Salvador also reveals is the nature of the people who run our major capitalist companies. They are, in essence, no different from the Nazis. Oh they are civilised, family people, churchgoers who wear nice suits, are well-mannered and model citizens, but they are just as prepared to leave a nation as ruined as the Nazis did, or as Assad is doing in Syria, it will just take them longer, but the effects will be the same. You have to pause and consider the legal people who will go into a court on their behalf and swear allegiance to an oath in the name of their god and persistently lie through their teeth in order to protect their employer's right to kill people, livestock and a whole nation. These people have champions at the very top of government, people who will allow whole nations to perish, who will allow the environment to die because profit is God and must be obeyed. The worst offenders are in the pigsty and the White House. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
This is the end product of the free market, the literal destruction of a nation. This is the result of deregulation and allowing corporations to pursue their own selfish interests. It makes a complete nonsense of the free market claims of self-regulation. It is a graphic example of the stupidity and inhumanity of free market economics, and of the global corporations that exploit the barbarity of an ideology that puts profits before human existence. I have stated in this blog since I first began that the greatest threat to human life is the free market. It is the greatest threat to civilisation and is the driving force behind terrorism, war, global warming, inequality and poverty. It is an ideology founded on an illusion and a set of absurd hypotheses. The concept of 'the market' is devoid of ethical and moral considerations and is championed by the most feral and loathsome people in existence. I am indebted to the Scottish newspaper The National for the following quote. Water and mining expert Andreas McKinley of Central American University in San Salvador told us that "Mining is an industry whose primary and first victim is water. We are talking about an issue that is a life-or-death issue for the country." Now, that is self-evident, human life cannot continue where there is no water, and yet, despite this, the government of El Salvador had to fight a seven year battle with the mining companies in the arbitration tribunal of the World Bank before the tribunal ruled in El Salvador's favour. The mining companies were prepared to see a whole nation literally die, rather than give up on their voracious pursuit of profit. None of the wealth extracted from El Salvador however, has ever been enjoyed by its people.
What El Salvador also reveals is the nature of the people who run our major capitalist companies. They are, in essence, no different from the Nazis. Oh they are civilised, family people, churchgoers who wear nice suits, are well-mannered and model citizens, but they are just as prepared to leave a nation as ruined as the Nazis did, or as Assad is doing in Syria, it will just take them longer, but the effects will be the same. You have to pause and consider the legal people who will go into a court on their behalf and swear allegiance to an oath in the name of their god and persistently lie through their teeth in order to protect their employer's right to kill people, livestock and a whole nation. These people have champions at the very top of government, people who will allow whole nations to perish, who will allow the environment to die because profit is God and must be obeyed. The worst offenders are in the pigsty and the White House. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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