Thursday, 5 January 2017

Why do you have such contempt for the free market?

I was asked by a friend who kindly reads this blog why I have such contempt for free market economists and politicians. She told me she understood my dismissal of them, but I go further and genuinely despise them. There are numerous reasons for this and the principal ones are that they are a fraud, but worse than that they are self-aware frauds. They know they are fraudulent and are criminal in that they lie repeatedly and know that they are selling a lie. They are also completely lacking in self-respect and dignity and display utter contempt for their fellow human beings. We have had reports this week from historical documents how Thatcher displayed complete disinterest in the effects of her policies in the rest of the United Kingdom outside London and the Home Counties. I have told you this before, but we now have official confirmation of it. These people have purged themselves of all fellow feeling and live only to gratify their own greed and ambition. They pursue policies designed to enrich themselves and their class, it is officially sanctioned nepotism. The rest of the country can go to hell for all they care. They constantly prattle on about freedom, but their perverted vision of freedom is the freedom for financiers and bankers to bankrupt the nation for their own interests, for employers to have the freedom to literally enslave their workforce, the freedom for those they consider one of their own to commit crimes and abuses and go unpunished whilst people with disabilities are punished because they have such disabilities. Economic and political freedom for the British elite necessitates the loss of freedom for the majority of the rest of us. 

If you read this blog you will know that I rarely criticise the dominant elite and their vile ideology from a Marxist or a socialist perspective. I don't have to. I use their own claims to expose them, for example, the claim that they are the intellectual successors of Adam Smith. There are others of course, notably the founder of the British school of neoclassical economics, Alfred Marshall, whom I have quoted here before. On the subject of economic freedom he tells us in his Principles of Economics (1891) that   

"It has been left for our own generation to perceive all the evils which arose from the suddenness of this increase of economic freedom. Now first are we getting to understand the extent to which the capitalist employer, untrained to his new duties, was tempted to subordinate the wellbeing of his workpeople to his own desire for gain; now first are we learning the importance of insisting that the rich have duties as well as rights in their individual and in their collective capacity; now first is the
economic problem of the new age showing itself to us as it really is. This is partly due
to a wider knowledge and a growing earnestness....
In particular this increased prosperity has made us rich and strong enough to impose new restraints on free enterprise; some temporary loss being submitted to for the sake of a higher and ultimate greater gain. But these new restraints are different from the old. They are imposed not as a means of class domination; but with the purpose of defending the weak, and especially children and the mothers of children, in matters in which they are not able to use the forces of competition in their own defence. The aim is to devise, deliberately and promptly, remedies adapted to the quickly changing circumstances of modern industry, and thus to obtain the good without the evil, of the old defence of the weak that in other ages was gradually evolved by custom". 

The rich have duties as well as rights? That's Marxist isn't it? Restraints on free enterprise? Defending the weak? What on earth is this man thinking of? Better lock this fool up and ban all his books. This is an example of how perverted economics has become in today's world, when Alfred Marshall, Professor of Economics at Cambridge, is saying things that even Jeremy Corbyn is afraid to say. Marshall is making the case for those who are 'not able to use the forces of competition in their own defence'. That could not be any clearer. Thus, in the words of one of the great classical economists the policies pursued with glee by Thatcher, May, Duncan-Smith, Boris the Spider, Gove, Farage etc. are 'evils' - his word, not mine. What would he say about Amazon, JD Sports, Sports Direct etc subordinating the well-being of their workforce in their desire for gain? You don't need to be a Marxist, a socialist or even mildly left-wing. The whole condemnation for the evils of modern free market economics and its political supporters is available in the writings of the genuine intellectual greats. Now you know why these people are never taught in our universities. Despise them, you bet I do, they are not human beings, they have divested themselves of their humanity and are something else. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat





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