Friday, 20 January 2017

Welcome to dystopia, you voted for it

Well its now official, according to the British Prime Minister we are leaving the European Union for two reasons, to control immigration and to cease being subject to European legislation and legal decision-making. Thus, as Kommirat told you many times before, our Brexit has nothing to do with economic matters and everything to do with pure unadulterated racism and the determination to remove all of our human rights. May has openly admitted that Brexit is an opportunity for Britain to remodel its economy to produce a low wage, low tax, minimal employment rights capitalist haven for billionaires. This may seem an exaggeration, but if you actually read what she said you can reach no other conclusion. Brexit threatens to be a catastrophe. Already two major banks have announced that they are going to move 2,500 jobs out of Britain and two others are warning they will probably follow suit. Both Nissan and Toyota are reconsidering their position in Britain and their future investment plans.

We are constantly being told by Brexiteers that in the name of democracy we must accept the result of the referendum and get on with the job of making Brexit work. That is garbage. I have no intention of meekly accepting the result of a referendum that was built on a farrago of lies, mendacity and disinformation. An acceptable democratic decision would need to be one that was reached honestly and fairly. At the risk of hearing you all grit your teeth and shout 'not again' I quote Adam Smith who told us that

Society, however, cannot subsist among those who are at all times ready to hurt and injure one another. The moment that injury begins, the moment that mutual resentment and animosity take place, all the bands of it are broke asunder, and the different members of which it consisted are, as it were, dissipated and scattered abroad by the violence and opposition of their discordant affections. If there is any society amongst robbers and murderers, they must at least, according to the trite observation, abstain from robbing and murdering one another. Beneficence, therefore, is less essential to the existence of society than justice. Society may subsist, though not in the most comfortable state, without beneficence, but the prevalence of injustice must utterly destroy it. Justice is the main pillar that upholds the whole edifice. If it is removed, the great, the immense fabric of human society, that fabric which to raise and support seems in this world, if I may say so, to have been the peculiar and darling care of nature, must in a moment crumble into atoms.

There is no justice in the EU Referendum as it was conducted in the most unjust manner imaginable. To make matters worse, we are now gleefully told that most of the claims made by the Leave campaign were not meant to be taken seriously. Therefore we must accept that lying and deception were acceptable and we should honour such behaviour with a craven acceptance of its outcome. Those of you from outside this midden of a nation state should also contemplate why Scotland will not accept the outcome of their 2014 referendum. Well it is for the same reasons. The Scots were shamefully lied to by all of the principal leaders of the pigsty, including the Prime Minister, the leader of the Labour Party and the Liberal Democrats. Don't forget we were persistently bombarded by the propagandist lie that we could only secure our membership of the EU by voting No. Well we are coming out now and we refuse to honour the decision of a bunch of lying racist gangsters. We have a Prime Minister who, when she was Home Secretary just one year ago, told the House of Commons, that she could not deport a foreign gentleman because he had a pet cat. This was immediately shown to be a barefaced lie, but all the racist British cared about was the lie, and it is that lie that has persisted as the British did not want to know the truth, and simply ignored it. What is important is that this odious cretin who knowingly lied to the entire country to further her racist agenda is now Prime Minister.

British society is breaking apart and if you want to know the cause, consult Adam Smith. We are governed by a set of immoral cretins who 'are at all times ready to hurt and injure one another.' We are a society riven by 'mutual resentment and animosity' we are 'as it were, dissipated and scattered abroad by the violence and opposition of discordant affections.' We had the spectacle yesterday of Boris the Spider, who is descending into complete imbecility with every day that passes, comparing the French Prime Minister to a Nazi prison guard, and being blithely assured by all his mates that it was meant to be a joke. This is the type of politician who leads this sorry nation into negotiations and is responsible for our foreign relations. It genuinely beggars belief. There is no longer any pretence that we will remain in the EU single market, so that claim that we were assured would be the reality after Brexit is another lie. It would be easy to despair but my hope is that Britain's descent into an authoritarian state with slave like conditions for its workforce will be Scotland's opportunity to gain its independence. You have been warned. I will get back to my series of posts on the fundamentals of free market economics but had to get that rant off my chest.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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