In The Wealth of Nations Adam Smith tells us that "The sole use of money is to circulate consumable goods". I raise this because of the revelation, as I noted yesterday, that eight men (notice they are all men) own as much wealth as fifty percent of the poorest people on earth. I have been contemplating the type of society we have become where a dominant ideology that promotes selfishness and greed has overcome all natural human compassion in our ruling classes, destroying the sympathy that Adam Smith said was the essence of the human being. It is said that scum always rises to the top, and the people who occupy the top positions in today's world, but particularly in Britain and America, must surely give us pause for thought. Money is functional and, as Smith tells us, is purposeful as a medium of exchange. It has no other function or purpose, but to those who have risen to the top of our respective societies it has assumed an importance in its own right in that they have an insatiable desire to accumulate money to the extent that it ceases to have a purpose for such people as they have more than they could ever possibly spend. What I mean is that they have completely lost sight of the purpose of money in the first place. What of course such wealth brings is power, and the wealthy utilise their wealth to ensure that what they have and how they got it is never challenged nor threatened, and that is the only purpose that motivates both the American Congress and the Westminster pigsty, to act as the guardians of the elite's wealth and position by ensuring that it is never threatened by the people such politicians purportedly serve. That is why any talk of Britain and America being democracies is such a sick joke. That is the only real function that half of the worlds money supply serves in today's world, because it most certainly does not serve the economy. However such power is not absolute and could be rendered impotent by politicians who had the courage to curb it. If Kommirat was Prime Minister it would most certainly be curbed.
The real problem with the wealthy is that they have gained their wealth from a system that is destroying the world and they use their money to perpetuate that system. There is no excuse left for people who deny climate change. Like Holocaust deniers, the evidence is so overwhelming that such people are exposed as either being genuinely insane and detached from reality, or pathological and dangerous liars. When Donald Trump proclaims climate change to be a hoax, it is he who is quite deliberately promoting a hoax in order to protect a system that has given him his wealth. However he must be fully aware that this system is also threatening the future, not only of the planet, but his own offspring. Thus, the pursuit of his own wealth and power has rendered him completely indifferent, not only to the future of the human race, but the future of his own family. He has quite deliberately abandoned one of the fundamental characteristics that defines our humanity, the security and safety of our families and those whom we profess to love. One can only conclude that he in fact does not love them in the manner that a normal human being loves their own. He is not alone in this. The Bible does not tell us that money is the root of all evil, but that the love of money is the root of all evil. People obsessed with the accumulation of money for its own sake, and in Britain we are ruled by them as well, have voluntarily divested themselves of their humanity in the pursuit of money. From Smith's observation that the sole use of money is to circulate consumable goods comes the saying that money makes the world go around. However, what the wealthy are doing is taking that money out of circulation for their own selfish gratification and stopping the world from going around, and our craven politicians, debasing themselves before the wealthy, are doing nothing about it because they have been hoodwinked by a fraudulent ideology that tells them that this is the 'right thing to do'. Their behaviour is not the behaviour of educated people.
People always tell me that even if we distributed the wealth of the elite it would only amount to a few pounds for each person on earth, but that is a completely stupid argument. It is not a question of distributing such wealth, but of putting it to use, making it work for the benefit of all. Such wealth could irrigate deserts, construct homes, hospitals, schools, fertilise soil, provide seed, fund medical research etc. It could raise standards of living throughout the globe, and still leave the elite with more money than they could ever spend. With the election of Trump and the outcome of Brexit, this poisonous system will only intensify and hasten a new Dark Ages, because, as Abraham Lincoln told us, you can fool some of the people all of the time, and our masters have fooled enough of the people to keep them in office and support their own downfall. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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