It occurred to me today that we may well see, in the not too distant future, the implementation of the 25th Amendment to the American Constitution. I have just watched a senior adviser to the Chinese government telling an interviewer from Channel Four News that the Chinese are preparing two trade and foreign policy strategies with respect to their relationship with the American government. One is preparation for normal bilateral negotiations and the other is for a trade war that may be initiated by the USA or a military conflict over US foreign policy. During the same Channel Four news programme I watched President Trump telling me that he supports torture. Now, many people sympathise with that view, but what Americans should consider is that their president has just given sanction to any other country in the world inflicting torture on Americans. In other news today we had a Tory MP admit that, whilst an officer in the British army, he personally tortured Irishmen (and probably women too), claiming that it was justified by the circumstances. There can be few activities that represent pure terror greater than the practice of torture, so, by any sense of definition, torturers must rank amongst the very highest categories of terrorists. What categorises white Anglo-Saxon elitists is their sense of entitlement. Thus, the US and British establishment elites genuinely consider that they are entitled to engage in activities that they label as barbarism from anyone else, and, in the case of the British we know that they have inflicted torture on people, such as the Birmingham Six, whom they already knew were innocent, and whom they wanted to confess to crimes that the British knew they did not commit.
For the past five years I have been warning you about the descent into slavery that is progressing in Britain. Next Tuesday we are getting a television programme screened called 'The Modern British Slave Trade'. The only problem with this is that they have not asked me to present it, because I seem to be the only person who identified this problem many years ago, and also identified its causes. But, I am not complaining too much as at last people are starting to notice what has been blindingly obvious to me for many years. This programme will make no difference however as it is this Tory government that has laid the parameters that allowed this abomination to flourish and it is this government who, whilst not openly supporting it, does absolutely nothing to either condemn it or prevent it. What I am trying to warn about in this post is that both Britain and the USA, under the influence of an abominable ideology are quite freely abandoning civilisation.
With respect to Britain we are undergoing the mad delusions of an incompetent and barely sane shambles known as Brexit. What people seem to fail to understand is that Brexit is not a political or economic problem, it is a whole society problem encompassing politics, economics, social, legal, financial, fiscal, civil, military and strategic issues, plus others I have forgotten to mention. It affects every person in this country at every level of their daily life. We were presented today with the news that the pigsty has been presented with a Bill for exiting the EU that the Tories expect to pass in ONE WEEK. That the Tories and the rest of the pigsty exhibit complete contempt for the people of this midden can be no more graphically demonstrated. Perhaps people will start to believe me. Underlying all of this recent activity in both the US and Britain is a racism of the most feral kind. Never in my lifetime have we had such an appalling set of politicians, and it astonishes me to have to say that because I never thought it could get any worse than Mad Tony and his gang of war criminals. As a final aside we had the spectacle today of the Spider actually admitting that the pigsty has had it all wrong in relation to President Assad and the Russians, this is an example of the Tories grovelling to Trump already. We are indeed doomed. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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