As I repeatedly warn you in this blog, the very concept of democracy is being destroyed piece by piece on a daily basis, both here and in the United States. Three things happened over this weekend that demonstrate the dangers we face from our leaders and their determination to do exactly as they wish regardless of the consequences, whilst treating the entire fabric of our societies with utter contempt. You will be very familiar with them, but I ask you to seriously consider them. They are not unexceptional and are simply examples of how our rulers think they should be able to say and do anything they want to without any form of accountability. First, Donald Trump and his team attacked and attempted to demonise the media for reporting the facts about the numbers of people attending his inauguration. Thus, Trump's presidency began with a barefaced lie. They quite unashamedly rubbished the evidence of photos and television coverage showing the numbers and accused the media of a conspiracy. In addition, Trump and his team threatened the media with reprisals because they had the temerity to compare Trump's popularity negatively with Obama's. Following that we had the quite astonishing spectacle of Trump's spokesperson, Kellyanne Conway, telling us that they had not lied, they had offered alternative facts. This is extremely serious as it comes from the most important office on the planet. So, as well as having what is commonly known as an alt-right movement, which is not a right wing movement according to its supporters, but is something else, we now have an alt-fact, which again is not a fact but something else that a head of state is allowed to use to give their version of the truth. Next we will have the alt-lie, which will allow them to admit to lying but also allow them to demand that we must except it as fact because it is not a lie, it is something else. I am left wondering when we are going to see the Trump administration's version of alt-truth, or alt-freedom, or alt-justice etc. We are moving into a really dangerous world that is starting to resemble science fiction.
On this side of the Atlantic we had the Prime Minister point blank refusing four attempts to get her to tell us if she was aware that a nuclear missile trial had gone disastrously wrong. Instead of heading out to a target at sea, it went towards the United States before it could be stopped. We were reassured by Downing Street that the missile was not armed. So that's OK. Should a missile have landed in Washington or New York it would have been Ok because it was not armed. We were informed by our news programmes that this missile itself, when unarmed, weighs sixty tonnes, but the citizens of the United States, or any other nation for that matter, are unimportant and our politicians are entitled
to deny, or refuse to admit, to a botched missile test because it is a matter of national security, and anyway the missile was not armed, and the damage that sixty tonnes of metal, full of rocket fuel, would have inflicted on the people of the United States on whom it landed is not nearly important as keeping the whole thing quiet to protect the British government from embarrassment. Democracy of course does not permit the great unwashed to know anything their governments are doing.
I have told you before about how the British Prime Minister is a barefaced liar. We now have an American president who is worse. The political class in both Britain and the United States have become genuinely dangerous, not only to their own citizens, but to the rest of the world. They lie persistently and as a matter of policy. It is now impossible to believe anything they say about anything. In Britain we have a Foreign Secretary who is demonstrably mad and an entire government whose management of the nation is criminally incompetent. Thank goodness for our women, who have said enough is enough and have taken to the streets to say that this type of government has to stop. Our future as free people is genuinely at stake. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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