Every day now we are reading an increasing number of commentators telling us how the dominant free market economic model is unsatisfactory, not working, a failure etc. They are now beginning to admit that it is this dominant model that is the real source of our social and economic woes. I have been telling people that for many years now and for over four and a half years on this blog. Indeed, in my very first post on this blog I told you that it was my intention to persistently highlight the fraud that poses as an economic system and the gangsters who operate it. I am very hopeful that our commentators are at last beginning to write with a modicum of honesty and that they, and by extension, myself, are correct in this observation because although it sounds very sensationalist and a bit over the top, in my opinion civilisation itself is dependent on the death of this most odious of ideologies. What irritates me is how those same commentators were denying what was blindingly obvious for all the time they were witnessing the decline of civilisation in Britain and are now only admitting what I am sure they were well aware of because the situation has become so acute and is now beginning to impact on them as well. As the saying goes, there are none so blind as they who will not see.
The legacy of Thatcher is upon us, and it is crisis. That is the word that is forever on our newspaper headlines as the description of the very fabric of British society and the state. The Red Cross has a claim to be one of the most respected organisations in the world and yesterday described the situation within the British health service as a humanitarian crisis. They have been drafted in to our hospitals in numerous areas of England to assist the Health Service cope with a day to day situation that so appalled the Red Cross that they felt they had to speak in those terms, and are therefore giving us a first hand empirical report of their experience in today's modern Tory Britain, although this crisis is really only at the acute stage in England, whose electorate are so in love with the Conservative Party that they quite willingly turn a blind eye to their staggering incompetence and criminality, preferring to blame immigrants, the European Union, and foreigners in general (but of course they are not racist).
Anyone who is familiar with Britain and who follows our daily news will understand that I am not misreporting or exaggerating when I tell you that in every area of our social fabric this benighted nation is in crisis, that is their words, not mine. The areas of British life that are routinely described as in crisis are of course health, followed by social care, housing, education, the railways, the postal service, our national infrastructure such as the roads, the energy market, school buildings, indeed everything that was ever a part of the public sector but has been subjected to the tender mercies of market forces. In addition, our financial systems have still not recovered from the financial crisis that highlighted the rot and corruption of our governmental and financial sectors because absolutely nothing has been done to remedy the causes of the crisis. The dominant free market model championed by Thatcher and her disciples has been a disaster and it is now so graphic that even those self-serving wretches in the British press and media who gave the system such grovelling support for so many years are being forced to admit it. Of course their plaintive cry is always, 'it wasn't me guv'. Yesterday we had the completely nauseating spectacle of the Prime Minister, Theresa May, a Prime Minister so vacillating and incompetent that the right-wing rag The Economist has christened her Theresa Maybe, promising that her government would commit to "tackling some of the burning injustices that undermine the solidarity of our society." Three things to point out here, first she is a Tory and therefore a pathological liar, so she did not mean one word of that, and also, she is one of the principal authors of those burning injustices having been a key member of the governments who were responsible for them and for voting religiously for the implementation of all of the policies that have produced those burning injustices since she first graced the Commons with her polluting and rancid presence. Thirdly there is no solidarity in British society today, it was effectively undermined long ago, and I remind you, that was the specific intention of Thatcher, to undermine and destroy the society she took charge of in 1979, and replace it with the anarchic, corrupt and venal shambles of free market filth we are the victims of today. This nation is split asunder over EU membership, class, race, gender, and of course immigration. Britain is effectively two nations with England and Scotland increasingly finding little in common. Yesterday a section of the Scottish Labour Party re-launched the Labour for Independence movement claiming a large increase in support for independence amongst Labour members who have been disillusioned by their party's dismal performance, by the persistent lies and denigration of Scotland by their own party and by Brexit. If I can remind you, this is something I urged Labour supporters to do three years ago.
The free market model is a fraud, the fundamental concepts that underpin it are wrong and cannot work. It is founded on a series of false hypotheses and managed by a set of the most unscrupulous and odious people imaginable. What is Thatcher's legacy? Crisis, Farage, Boris the Spider, intolerance, hatred, social unrest, inequality and poverty. Remember where you read it first! You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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