Monday, 28 April 2014

The future under Westminster

The government has just changed the rules governing pensions to allow people to be able to withdraw money from their pensions savings for other uses. However, they realised that some people might use that ability unwisely and so they have come up with the glorious idea of giving each pensioner an interview at which they will be given an estimate of their likely life expectancy so that they can then budget their money properly and avoid running out of money by spending it all too soon under the new liberties available courtesy of the new pension rules. Have you ever heard anything as stupid? First, who on earth wants to be told when they are likely to die? Good morning sir, I'm very pleased to inform you that you have a month to live and you can spend as much of your money as you can anyway you want, now isn't that good news! Next, this government now thinks that pensioners are all to be treated like children who have no idea as to the value of money. Once people reach 65, it is surely safe to assume that a lifetime of managing their money will have equipped them to face retirement with an ability to manage their personal finances. If not then why give them the chance to use their own money as they see fit in the first place? The pensions minister tells us that once we reach retirement we don't know how long that retirement will be. Now I'm sure no-one has ever thought of that before, thank goodness for a government that believes in forward planning. This attitude comes from a mindset that can only focus on finance, money is all that matter to, or motivates, such people.

We now have the information that new rules by the government will require anyone unemployed for over two years to report to a jobcentre every day. People have taken issue with me over my repeated warnings that the elite in this country are introducing modern forms of slavery. Here we have a situation where the government will be monitoring people's everyday movements as well as how pensioners spend their money. We have one million people using foodbanks every day, and over 10 million people who are in part-time or temporary work with half of those in zero-hours contracts whilst over 400 staff in Barclays bank are getting £1million bonuses, and the Royal Bank wanting to give 200% bonuses to their elite staff. I repeat, unemployment and other benefits are rights, they are not handouts, they are the price the elite pay for their wealth and privilege.

Every Westminster party, and that includes UKIP, are committed to the dominant neoliberal economic model. Such measures are the result of that model and so it matters not a jot who wins the next Westminster elections, this is your future. People are, and each living individual is, now regarded as a commodity, as an economic unit of labour and consumption. People have been effectively dehumanised, they have been given a price, and that price is the measure of their worth and their humanity to society. The unemployed and people on benefits have no price and are therefore regarded as costs, as liabilities on the government's balance sheet, they are effectively subhuman, what the Nazis referred to as untermenschen. It is therefore permissible to treat them as garbage with neither rights nor dignity. I ask you to reflect on that between now and September. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat   


Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Cameron a Christian? Aye Right!

I began my book on human rights with the story of how a twelve year old boy was hauled out of class by Special Branch officers and threatened for the 'crime' of organising a picket of David Cameron's constituency office over the closure of youth clubs in his constituency. Today we read how Cameron's local bishop and minister in the Church of England were confronted by police when they appeared at the same office to hand in a petition against food banks and poverty. The two men had phoned and informed the office that they were coming but they were refused entrance and the staff refused to answer the door. It appears however that the police in this occasion were too embarrassed to do anything other than watch. It speaks volumes that the police are more sensitive than our Prime Minister.

As I said in the last post, politics in this country are becoming truly malignant and genuinely out of control. The Prime Minister is an elected politician, nobody elected him as Prime Minister, that is an office granted to him by his election as leader of his party, not by the electorate. The fact that he is Prime Minister is completely immaterial to the fact that he is an elected representative and therefore totally accountable to the people who elected him. We must never lose sight of these fundamentals about our system of governance, which, as events like this highlight, is completely broken. In situations like this we are perfectly entitled to ask the question, who does this man Cameron think he is?

The irony of this is that this is not even a week since this person was reported in all the papers and TV telling us how we are a Christian nation and should be evangelical about our faith. I am deeply grateful that I am not a Christian and therefore cannot be classified in any kind of category that would align me with such odious cretins. If Cameron is correct then that means that Christianity must be associated with class war, deliberately impoverishing millions of our fellow citizens, not only causing the phenomenon of food banks but praising them as a good thing, demonising working people, the poor, the disabled and excluding millions of your fellow citizens from any meaningful participation in society. In my experience that is a good description of the reality of Christianity throughout history, a belief system that undoubtedly has benefited many people and does a lot of good, but has also undoubtedly done far more harm and caused far more distress and evil than any good it has been responsible for.

But this is not a diatribe against Christianity, it is against the hypocrisy and immorality of the Westminster system of government. It is a warning against the direction of British politics and its devastation of society and its class nature and how, under its present structural arrangements it is beyond repair. Westminster is wholly unrepresentative and I will keep repeating that until we get some redress. Politics in Britain is broken and we have a chance to effect some kind of change on September 18th. If we don't take that opportunity, the Cameron's of the world will win and this country will be doomed to live under an increasingly unaccountable tyranny by this political mafia. As Don Lucchesi tells Vincent Corleone, finance is a gun, politics is knowing when to pull the trigger. The Cameron's and the Milliband's of this world have handed all the guns to the financial classes  and are happily pulling the trigger when they are told to. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doctor Kommirat

Saturday, 19 April 2014

Why hire a British worker when there are plenty of Americans available?

There is something deeply malignant about the way Westminster politics is working in modern Britain. When you look at what they are actually doing, rather than on what they are saying, they are displaying a deep sense of insecurity and self-loathing. In addition, they are transforming the United Kingdom into a replica of the United States as fast as they can. The Tories for example, are obsessed with foreigners and people coming into the country taking jobs from good hardworking British workers, but appoint a Canadian to run the Bank of England and have hired a whole team of foreign advisers for their election campaigns. Labour have now joined the American bandwagon and have appointed two Americans as their election advisers. As a result the next election will be run on every kind of election strategy except one that will matter to people in the UK. What will happen is that neoliberal Australian and American economic advisers will try to show that it is whichever one of the three main parties who has hired them that will be the best at running a replica of an American economic and political system that is the result of our party leaders obsession with all things American.

Our political leaders have all been subverted by the neoliberal economic model that claims that economics is a discipline that can be studied and understood as a subject in it's own right. Nothing could be further from the truth. Economics is a social science. That means that all economic activity occurs within a particular social system that is a reflection of the culture of the society within which it takes place. Economics cannot be understood without a reference to the politics and the norms and values of the milieu within which it is occurring. Thus to properly understand economic activity and behaviour in the UK, you must have an intimate knowledge of UK culture, political, economic and social. Within the UK, that is why the Better Together campaign is floundering. They are concentrating their arguments on the wider UK context and ignoring the particular Scottish dimension that is crucial to making sense of the culture north of Carlisle.

As a result, no foreigner can properly address the UK crisis unless they have an intimate knowledge of UK culture and society. Transferring an American or Canadian economic model with the assumptions that are integral to such a model onto a British context can not, and will not, work. It has already failed spectacularly, but I seem to be the only one who recognises that. That is why the Tories don't work in Scotland, because they think they can simply transfer their class driven, monarchical and aristocratic based philosophy onto the ignorant northern hordes and be, not only understood, but welcomed with open arms. Because you see, to a Tory, his outlook and philosophical approach is so self-evidently superior to everything else it stands to reason that when the Scots see how obvious it is that we should see such people as our betters and natural rulers, then we will rush to embrace them. It is the same with the neoliberal who constantly preaches to us that there is no alternative to their economic policies.
Thus, anyone who is in any doubt what the future of the UK will be like if we vote no in the coming referendum they only need to ponder the implications of the campaigns planned for the next general election by the Labour and Tory parties with their inner cabinets of foreign advisers all dedicated to implementing right-wing political and economic structures that will complete the Americanisation of our society. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Monday, 14 April 2014

Ukraine, its all the Russians fault! It must be because William Hague says so

Channel Four news opened tonight with the statement that armed and masked Russian thugs took over more government buildings in the Ukraine today. Now I consider that Channel Four is probably the best news outlet in the world, but on this occasion I am afraid that what they did tonight is neither news nor reporting, it was an exercise in propaganda. There is no possibility of Channel Four news knowing who these people were. They may well have been Russian thugs, but Channel Four have no way of knowing whether they were either Russian or thugs, or indeed provided any evidence for such an assertion, and it is a symptom of the deep malaise that poisons political debate in this country. The British and the Europeans have a very powerful economic interest in seeing Ukraine amalgamated into the EU and falling under their economic influence and so the narrative is of big bad Russians attempting to destroy Ukraine and annexe the eastern speaking Ukrainian regions into the Russian Federation. This is despite the fact that all evidence we are seeing from these same news outlets and the interviews they carry out on the streets with Ukrainian citizens, points to the fact that a large majority of the people in the Russian speaking regions appear to want to join the Russian Federation and reject what they view as a quasi fascist Ukrainian state.

It must never be forgotten that British and European governments sponsored and encouraged the protests that led to the downfall of the Yanukovyich government in Ukraine in an attempt to forge an economic association between Ukraine and the EU which would have ruled out any form of economic association with Russia. This situation was exacerbated when the US decided to put their oar in and attempt to shape the politics of a post Yanukovyich Ukraine with the American Ukranian official Victoria Nuland being recorded telling the Ukrainians 'fuck the EU.' This situation then led to the Ukrainian parliament, the Rada, attempting to remove the Russian language as an official Ukrainian language and ban the Communist Party who had won 13% of the vote at the most recent elections. However, according to the British Foreign Secretary William Hague, a man who has never done a day's work in his life and knows as much about politics as my Yorkshire Terrier, all the conflict and disturbances lie solely at the door of the Russians.

Now, crucially, whilst the government of Yanukovyich was undoubtedly corrupt, it was directly elected, and the government that now rules is not. In addition this government has at least 5 ministers who are openly fascist, and this is the government that is championed by the British and the Americans. In addition, Naomi Klein was writing at the weekend how the Americans are stoking the Ukrainian crisis with the object of exporting fracked natural gas to Europe with the intention of getting Europe to switch their energy markets from Russia to the Americans.

There is no doubt that Russia will exploit the Ukrainian crisis to the limit, but as far as I am concerned, we must not be seduced into joining the anti-Russian chorus and painting the Russians as the baddies. In addition, as far as I am concerned, this is one battle Russia will not lose. I sincerely trust that Channel Four will come to their senses and return to an impartial view of the world, one that rejects the British and US propaganda and reports events fairly. The peace in Europe may well depend on such things.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Britain a Democracy, are you being quite serious?

A poll in the Huffington Post tells us that most people think that all politicians are liars. Perhaps that's because all politicians are liars. The main reason for this is the party system. As I said in my last post, no politician today even considers that they represent the people who vote them into office. That they are representatives of their party first, and the electorate second, is bred into their DNA. As a result, when they appear on television they never even dream of answering a question, they trot out the party line on any given issue. If you tell somebody something that you don't believe then you are lying. For example, nobody in the Tory Party can possibly believe that their welfare policies will help anyone into a job, just as the claim that they have created over a million and a half jobs since 2010 is so transparently untrue that I wonder how they can sleep at night?

I repeat unapologetically, we must never forget what politicians are and why they are in office. We must never lose sight of what they are in office for, because, unfortunately our politicians have and most of the country has as well. No politician should ever be allowed to get away with what they get away with on a daily basis. I lost all faith in the British electorate's sense of self-respect when the people of Manchester re-elected the quite appalling Hazel Blears. This was a woman who had quite blatantly stolen multiple thousands of public funds by fraudulently claiming expenses, and not only had the brass neck to stand for re-election, but actually won. When we see things like that then we deserve all we get. Our politicians spend all their time telling us that what they are doing is the right thing to do, even when the right thing to do is the complete opposite of what they were telling us was the right thing to do last week.

The biggest single necessity in British politics is the introduction of a system of proportional representation. It will not solve the problem, but it is a necessary first step. We have to break the monopoly of the two major parties and try to introduce some independent people into active politics. Westminster has demonstrated beyond doubt that it is irredeemably corrupt and incapable of representing the British people. It is wholly unrepresentative at all levels except for the representation of a corrupt elite who insist that it governs solely for their personal benefit. It is not a pleasant thing to accept that this is the state of the country we live in. It is difficult for people to admit that the people they elect are so corrupt, and I don't mean corrupt in just a financial sense, but morally and ethically. We in Britain have lost all insight into the reason for, and the purpose of politics. By the same token we have lost all sight of the proper functions of and role for, politicians. I will leave you with the words of real politicians, people who were speaking and writing 300 years before Christ, people who understood what politics was. The Athenian statesman Pericles, commenting on the political structure of ancient Athens tells us that

"Our polity does not copy the laws of neighbouring states; we are rather a pattern to others than imitators ourselves. It is called a democracy, because not a few but the many govern. If we look to the laws, they afford equal justice to all in their private differences; if to social standing, advancement in public life falls to reputation for capacity, class considerations not being allowed to interfere with merit; nor again does poverty bar the way, if a man is able to serve the state, he is not hindered by the obscurity of his condition.
Where the law is subject to some other authority and has none of its own, the collapse of the state, in my view, is not far off; but if law is the master of the government and the government is its slave, then the situation is full of promise and men enjoy all the benefits that the gods shower on a state."

And in his book 'Politics' Aristotle argued that
"It is more proper that law should govern than any one if the citizens; upon the same principle, if it is advantageous to place the supreme power in some particular persons, they should be appointed to be only guardians, and the servants of the laws."

We should all ponder such advice. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Friday, 11 April 2014

Westminster, Britain's equivalent of the Corleone family

A fundamental cause of the sickness that is the Westminster Parliament is the party system and the fact that the media has no one of any competence to challenge them. On Channel Four news the Prime Minister was trotting out his pathetic attempts to justify the behaviour of Maria Miller when he stated that she had been cleared by the Parliamentary Standards Committee who had voted to ask her to repay £5000 instead of the £45,000 she had swindled. It was put to him that the Standards Committee was itself a committee of MPs and he retorted that the casting votes in favour of Miller had been cast by the three lay members on the Committee. That was a blatant lie, and it was a lie by the Prime Minister on national television to the nation in defence of the indefensible. What was also significant is that none of the commentators who are supposed to be politically educated picked him up on it. Why was it a lie, because the lay members on the Standards Committee don't have a vote.

The present day Parliament is increasingly resembling a medieval hereditary court as opposed to a modern democratic and representative parliament. This is because of the ruthless centralisation that has occurred in all parties since Thatcher first started controlling who could stand for election within the Conservatives. Her famous criteria was that any candidate would have to be 'one of us'. This is one of the characteristics of British politics that I speak of when I describe the British political system as exclusive. The British spend more time excluding people at all levels of society than they spend attempting to include them. If you do not fit into the party mould, you will simply be excluded. This was pursued ruthlessly by Labour under Mad Tony and today all party candidates are vetted centrally before they can be considered for election. The choice has been taken out of local party hands because the first target for exclusion was anyone from the working class.

What this means is that local parties are faced with a narrow selection from a list of approved candidates, all of whom are picked in the knowledge that they will toe the party line and do what they are told. They have the right background and the right connections and are guaranteed to be prepared to sell their souls and self-respect in order to gain a seat. That is why the 650 at Westminster are such a sorry and incompetent lot. They are effectively mindless because they simply exist to reflect the policies and the desires of the leadership. Thus each intake of MPs are handpicked by the centre and constitute a form of heredity because the leadership are assured that they will continue with the party line and will always reflect that. That is why, although she is dead, Thatcher is still effectively leader of the Tories and Mad Tony still effectively leads Labour. As a result, members of parliament accurately reflect the leadership of their party and their corruption is a reflection of the corruption of their party. This is why the entire Westminster system is irredeemably corrupt and simply a mouthpiece for the British elite. Never be under any illusions that your MP gives a moments thought as to what your needs and wants are. They are unimportant to your MP, and I don't care who your MP is, it applies to them all. The British Member of Parliament is incapable of independent thought and is incapable of and kind of honesty. That is the character of the personnel who are in charge of decision and policy-making over all of our lives and of our futures. If it was not so profoundly serious it would make you laugh in disbelief. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

George Robertson, a gold medal imbecile

I apologise for not posting for a week, but I have been unavailable. The political scene in the UK is increasingly depressing as the Westminster elite continue in their ivory tower mentality. In the context of what are regarded as democratic societies there can be few governments who are so demonstrably out of touch as the British. The latest example of the arrogance of our elite is the Culture Secretary Maria Miller. Regardless of the circumstances surrounding her moment in the eye of the storm, her situation is a very graphic example of hubris. It is the insufferable arrogance of the manner in which she attempted to simply dismiss a quite damning report of her behaviour and the accusations of bullying and intimidation of the people who sought to hold her to account for wrongdoing. These people have no shame nor dignity and are completely self-serving. Our elite genuinely believe that rules and regulations are for other people. They cannot accept that their behaviour should be held to account or that they should be bound by the constraints that the rest of us live by. We must be rid of this grotesque charade that poses as democracy.

On another note, I am continually amused by the West's determination to portray the situation in the Ukraine as bullying by the Russians. The latest tactic is to continually accuse the Russians as having annexed Crimea. This is being endlessly repeated by the Americans and their Westminster lapdogs. These people are determined to simply ignore what must be the largest demonstration of democracy in modern times. I cannot find any vote in a democratic and open contest that even comes close to the vote exercised by the Crimean people which I will remind you resulted in a 97% vote to join Russia from an 83% turnout. This means that eight out of every ten Crimean's who are eligible to vote cast a vote in favour of being incorporated into the Russian Federation and rejected continuing as a part of Ukraine. This is, however, portrayed by our vile gangster elite as an annexation.

If I may remind you of the words of the American Secretary of State John Kerry "In the 21st century you just simply don't invade other countries on a completely trumped up pretext". That definitely marks this man down for the next Nobel Prize for sheer hypocrisy and affrontery. This is from the country that invaded Iraq on a farrago of lies and caused an estimated half a million deaths. If anything was a completely trumped up pretext it has been the United States and British actions in the Middle East over the past 15 years.

However, the gold medal for sheer imbecility this week must go to the Labour politician and ex Secretary General of NATO George Robertson who has just announced that a Yes vote in the Scottish Independence referendum would be 'cataclysmic.' Scottish Independence, we are informed,
"would have a "cataclysmic" effect on European and global stability by undermining the UK on the world stage." He was of course giving this piece of momentous stupidity to an American audience who will pay handsomely to have their intelligence insulted in such a manner. This clown occupies a seat in the House of Lords and is of course a very good example of the membership of that noble institution that is so representative of .................... (fill in the blanks as required)! Robertson thrilled his American audience by telling them that "a yes vote would give succour to separatist movements across Europe, risk destabilising Northern Ireland and embolden dictators and "annexers" around the world." I assume his reference to annexers is Russia.

How long are we going to put up with this disgusting Westminster system and the atrocious personnel who inhabit it? The solution is yours, you have been warned!

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

The Gestapo in our midst

Now we have some light on the question of 'enhanced interrogation techniques' which of course is simply neoliberal jargon for torture. Have the methods used by the British and the Americans yielded significant results in their never ending war on terror? Has torture been justified on the grounds of obtaining unique and otherwise unobtainable intelligence about terrorist plots thus saving thousands of innocent lives? The answer is a resounding no! Who says so? The US Senate Intelligence Committee that's who!

The everlasting shame of British and American governments, particularly those of Blair and Bush, is their justification and use of torture. We pride ourselves on being better, morally superior to other people who descend into barbarism and inhumanity and inflict inhuman treatment on people for no other reason than that they can. What is also significant is that we have public employees, officials of the British state, who are quite prepared to do such things to other people, to complete strangers, because their bosses told them to. Some of these people may live next to you and seem quite ordinary, but in reality they are no better than the Gestapo or the people who operated Auschwitz and Dachau. Moreover, the Senate Report also highlights how the CIA have been misleading the American government and the public for years. So, how is such information reflected in the British security services, and on those cretins to continually tell us how crucial it is for GCHQ to be allowed to snoop into every aspect of everyone's life? It is bad enough that we have governments and personnel who are willing to inflict such barbarity on other human beings, but we now find out that it has no discernible purpose and is indeed ineffective.

I have said before, there is no, and can never be, any justification for the lies and secrecy we are subjected to from our politicians and civil servants. These people are public servants and it is you and I who employ them, pay their wages and pensions and finance all of their activities. They are only where they are because we, the public, vote them into office and sustain them whilst in office. We should be their masters, not the other way around as is the case today. In addition, the behaviour of our political class and its lackeys may be some tiny bit excusable if they were at least competent and knew what they were doing, but that is quite demonstrably not the case. It is truly time that the British people woke up to the fact that our Westminster system has been captured, and is being debased beyond repair, by a shower of gangsters who have only their own selfish enrichment at heart. Our democracy is a joke and our political class beyond accountability. At least the Scots have wakened to the fact that Westminster has no future and has no positive function for them. It will be interesting if enough of them have the courage to say enough is enough. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat.