Welcome to modern British government as practiced by the Westminster Parliament where the Environment Secretary' s response to global warming is to welcome the fact that less people will die because of the cold in winter. That is the extent of a Tory's intellect. In addition, the Tory answer to long-term unemployment is to get the people on benefits to work for nothing rather than doing anything to create real jobs that would give them a permanent income and dignity. As I have repeatedly said, the Tories are determined to introduce modern forms of slavery.
The Tories hatred of anything that happens in the public sector means that they have almost destroyed the system of local government. Local government is the biggest potential employer in the country, and, with a little intelligence, unemployment could be almost eradicated quite quickly. If local government were given back their traditional functions from the private sector, housing, transport, refuse collection, parks and gardens etc. they could, in consultation with their constituency, develop acceptable levels of service at a price each constituency was willing to pay that could provide thousands of real jobs.
You see, to the Tory mindset, and I'm afraid that this thinking has corrupted Labour as well, working people have no input into their vision of wealth creation. To the neoliberals at Westminster, only bankers and financiers create wealth, but, if there was one thing that both Adam Smith and Karl Marx agreed on it was that all value in any society stems from the labour that produced any good or service. Thus, in the real world, the wealth created by the bankers and financiers, is the result of the thousands of inputs that determine productive activity, and that includes the cleaning lady and the refuse collector. The banker and financier are only the visible part of such wealth creation, because without the input of production they would be completely useless. The computer that the banker and the financier are so dependent on is the product of such labour, without the physical work of the people who made and assembled it, it is just a heap of inanimate materials, and thus, the real value in banking and finance comes from the labour of the very people that Westminster politicians, bankers and financiers regard as scum.
Thus, to the neoliberal a worker is not a wealth creator and has only a limited value as a consumer. In the free market universe, everything of value has a price attached, and if there is no price there is no value. The unemployed and people on benefits cannot earn a wage, which, to the free marketer, is their value. Thus, no wage no value, in other words they are useless and must be regarded as such. We must escape from this system as a matter of urgency. It is destroying our society, devaluing our humanity and indeed, thanks to attitudes such as those of our Environment Secretary, destroying the world. Scottish independence from this Westminster mentality is becoming a moral imperative. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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