As we read how Michael Gove and Lord Nash 'misled' both Houses of Parliament and therefore the British people over the performance of free schools I am left pondering the moral climate of British political and social life. Misled is of course a good example of newspeak for 'lying through their teeth', which of course is the default position for all Westminster politicians. However, lying and indulging in criminal behaviour is now the norm for the political class, the police, the press, business, banks and the security services. In other words, Britain is simply a feral society where morality and the rule of law no longer exists amongst the ruling and governing powers. The law is for the little people.
This is a matter of profound importance for all of us living in this nation as it poses a far more serious threat to social order and stability than any threat of terrorism, crime, or any of the other convenient scapegoats that the governing elite and their lackeys in the press try to scare us with, because, if the people who govern and establish the law, simply refuse to govern with respect to law, tradition and justice, then they set the example for the rest of society. Why should I be bound by the laws of lawbreakers? Why should I live by the morality of the immoral? This is a society where, if working people attempt to engage in the perfectly legal and moral activity of exercising their fundamental human right to withdraw their labour they are branded immoral criminals, whilst the owners and managers of corporations who engineer the conditions whereby workers feel they must use the only weapon at their disposal in order to protect their jobs and livelihood, and who then use the resulting disruption to destroy their employees conditions, lower their wages, remove their pensions and literally blackmail them into acceptance of this criminality are hailed as upright paragons of virtue and probity.
It speaks volumes for the state of this country when the two people talking the most sense about conditions are well-known comedians, Russell Brand and Mark Steele. Brand's Newsnight interview was a classic and Steele's column in the Independent is required reading. Brand's argument that there is no point voting as there is no one worth voting for is quite accurate for the rest of the UK, but does not apply in Scotland. The Scots have an opportunity to affect meaningful change and progress if they have the will and desire to take it. However, with regards the rest of the UK it is a truism that if voting changed anything they would make it illegal.
The UK government genuinely think it is OK for GCHQ to indulge in criminal behaviour and to breach our fundamental human rights. They think its OK to lie, to torture, to invade foreign countries and for their armed forces to murder rape and kill innocent civilians, and its OK to give a benefit cheat ten years in jail whilst a banker who has stolen millions of pounds gets a bonus. I say again, that with respect to the Westminster Parliament the lunatics have taken over the asylum and the criminals have taken over the jails. We have reached a stage where we can put no trust in anyone in government, in authority, or in management. Society is dismantling before our eyes. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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