Thursday, 24 October 2013

Does Scotland have the Energy?

There can surely be no-one left with a scintilla of intelligence who cannot see the dominant free market economic and political system in the UK for anything but the poisonous and ruinous farce that it is. As the energy firms continue to ratchet up the price of electricity and gas, even the Archbishop of Canterbury has taken them to task for their complete absence of moral and civic responsibility in their endless search for ever greater profits. What the energy market demonstrates graphically is that it is most certainly not a market, its a cartel that colludes to rig the system completely in their own interests, and our political class grovel at their feet in impotence.

On the same theme, the catastrophe that is the Grangemouth petrochemical plant is another graphic demonstration of neoliberal greed and ruthlessness. This firm has simply told the workers that they will accept whatever terms and conditions they are prepared to give them or they will simply close the plant, which they then proceeded to do. This type of management has become the norm in Britain, and, as I continually tell you, is part of the process of reducing the British worker to a modern form of slavery. This is a facility that should be nationalised immediately and their entire management prosecuted.

The destruction of British society and its replacement by a neoliberal tyranny is nearing completion. We have the most appalling set of politicians imaginable who will neither stand for their country or their electorate and who cave into business interests with a speed that makes one want to weep with embarrassment. The Westminster Parliament is a disgrace and every one of its elected members should be turned out of office and forbidden to hold public office for the rest of their lives.

As I have said repeatedly, the dominant ideology in this country has no moral or civic perspective whatsoever. It is bankrupt and is simply a system of licensed gangsterism. I repeat, the free market is a fraud and an illusion. There cannot, and should not, ever be such a thing as a free market. All human interactive behaviour must be subject to regulation. But even if a free market was either possible or desirable, what we see before us is so far detached from that it beggars belief that anyone can even remotely believe that we have a market of any form in this country.

What is blindingly obvious is that the people of Scotland have an opportunity to escape from the Westminster pantomime next September and take control of their own political and economic destiny. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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