Tuesday, 1 October 2013

The Conservative definition of Fairness

Conservatives in the UK and America have hit new lows and are becoming genuinely dangerous. They are ferociously rabid and are quite prepared to say or do anything to discredit anyone they view as an enemy or who proposes anything they disagree with. In Britain we have the spectacle of the Daily Mail attacking the father of Labour leader Ed Miliband, the Marxist academic Ralph Miliband, who, incidentally has been dead for many years now. The Mail described him as a man who hated Britain. However, a particularly poisonous remark from them is to the effect that he left an evil legacy. It does not take a genius to work out that they were referring to his son. Now this is taking place right in the middle of the Conservative Party conference and one week after the Labour conference when the Mail and its other right-wing friends labelled Ed Miliband as a Marxist for suggesting a freeze to energy prices. It is stretching credulity to impossible limits to suggest that the Mail published this without the knowledge and support of the Conservative leadership.

Now, anyone who reads this blog will be quite aware that I have neither respect for, nor time for, Ed Miliband, so I will never be accused of defending him. However, I trust that on this issue he will not object if I give him my full support. Ralph Miliband was one of the most respected academics of his age, a man who fought for Britain in the Second World War and who was a model citizen. He wrote what I consider the best book on the nature of the modern state ever written. Anyone who professes an interest in politics must read his 'The State in Capitalist Society.'

What is interesting is that the attack upon him came from the Daily Mail, a newspaper that was an enthusiastic supporter of fascism and of Adolf Hitler and his Nazis. This was the newspaper that  endorsed the British fascist party of Oswald Mosley's Blackshirts. So, if anyone can be accused of hating Britain it is the Daily Mail. What this paper is now presenting us in the guise of journalism can genuinely be described as evil and reveals that their fascist tendencies have never left them.

In the United States, the Republican Party has just shut down the American government and closed most of its vital services out of sheer vindictiveness at the proposal to provide poor Americans with affordable health care. The Republicans would quite genuinely prefer to watch people die rather than help them purchase health care from public funds. I have nothing to add to this as it is all self-explanatory. These people are way beyond contempt and are now genuinely dangerous and totally undemocratic. These are the people who are telling us we are better together. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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