Monday, 7 October 2013

Who are the real Terrorists?

I  was intrigued to read a headline in the Mail on Sunday yesterday saying that an independent Scotland would be at risk from terrorist attacks because it will be abandoning the safety of the British state. No it won't.

Scotland will be safe from terrorist attacks because it will not provide any motivation for them. Scotland will not wage illegal wars against anyone. Scotland won't invade anyone for oil or to plunder their resources. Scotland won't bomb anyone to rubble and its troops won't blow up their houses nor kill its citizens. Scotland will not persecute minority peoples or religions. Scotland will not submit people to illegal rendition, nor will it torture people. Scotland will not hold people illegally and indefinitely for years without charge or bringing them to trial. Scotland's legislation will not be described as 'the stuff of nightmares.' Scotland will be a country governed by law, and not by hatred for foreigners or Muslims. Scotland will respect human rights and freedoms. Scotland will not attempt to dominate other states and blackmail their governments into adopting its economic model. Scotland will not assassinate other states citizens or hack into their computer systems, nor listen to their phone messages or read their emails. Scotland will not assume that it is self-evidently superior to everyone else, nor feel that it must impose its obviously superior culture and way of life on everyone else if they are too stupid to do it themselves.

Scotland will not suffer from terrorism because it is intelligent, humane and tolerant. It is not insufferably arrogant nor institutionally racist. Scottish people don't hold everyone else in contempt. They do not demonise Muslims, the unemployed, the disabled and people on benefits. The Scottish press does not preach hate and hasn't (so far) hacked peoples phones, nor does it tell such outright lies and obvious drivel as to claim that it will be subject to terrorist attacks if it has the audacity to abandon the wonderful protection of its lords and masters in Westminster. Indeed, the only terrorist attacks that Scotland should beware of are from its big brother south of its border and its loathsome press. Any hatred for, or danger to, the Scottish people, does not emanate from the rest of the world, it comes from London.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat   

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