Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Erect the Barricades, Blair is back!

I'm afraid that I broke a longstanding personal rule today when I read an article about Tony Blair. I normally refuse to engage with murderers, torturers and imbeciles but I was drawn to his latest comments about how "it makes sense for  us to stick together because we're more powerful together, economically and politically." He then tells us that "the best arguments are economic and practical" and I can never resist sublime irony.

This is the man who told us that our security was more important than our liberty as he tried to justify rendition, torture, illegal wars, identity cards, millions of cameras spying on us, the enhancement of police powers, the illegal activities of the press under his governments, 4,500 new criminal offences under his rule, and then trying to convince us that the terror we saw on our streets was nothing to do with him. When he tried to convince us that our liberty is worth losing for our security I was reminded of Benjamin Franklin when he told us that "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

Blair seems to have completely missed the salient point that the driving force behind a desire for Scottish Independence is the state of the economy and the state of politics in modern Britain. The best arguments for Independence are indeed economic and political. It was Blair's governments who presided over the ruin of both our economy and our political system. He was ably assisted by the Tories, but he was the person most responsible. People ought to remember his policies of 'light touch' regulation of the banks and the financial system and his government's quite relaxed attitude to people becoming filthy rich. What he forgot to mention that they were equally relaxed about people becoming filthy poor. His was the government who introduced ATOS. His was the government who introduced the Private Finance Initiatives that are ruining the NHS.

So, economically and practically, the only way Scotland has any hope of economic recovery and political democracy is to divorce from the Westminster Parliament that he did so much to reduce to a lying, corrupt and completely unrepresentative farce. No wonder the Tories never criticise him, they have everything to thank him for because he laid the foundations for all the carnage they are inflicting on us.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

t makes sense for us as a UK to stick together because we're more powerful together, economically and politically. And, you know, to reference another debate that's going on, it makes sense for us to remain in Europe because without that weight we will lose influence and lose power both economically and politically.
And I still think that is the best. I think the best arguments are economic and practical and, you know, by and large I think those are the arguments that are being made.

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