I have not been posting as regularly as I should and there are several reasons for that. One is that I am writing a new book, but that is not the main reason. I am growing lethargic because of the growing sense of hopelessness I feel in any improvement in the sorry state of this country and it is almost impossible to find anyone who cares. The British public simply no longer care for themselves, never mind anyone else. The evidence is overwhelming that the ordinary people of this country are being reduced to forms of working slavery. They have been reduced to levels of poverty and inequality not witnessed since before the Second World War and no one in protesting, no one is apparently concerned enough to do anything about it, indeed the evidence shows that they actually support most of the measures being employed to impoverish them, divide them and conquer them.
As I have told you, the government are on the verge of an international agreement that will see the complete privatisation of the health service. The British population are going to see a massive increase of people dying because they cannot afford to pay for health care in the not too distant future. In addition, they will be left without a pension in their old age. The government are quite honest about their plans to eliminate the ability of workers to go on strike, a massive step towards inevitable slavery. Who cares? Evidence suggests that the majority of the British people actually support such measures because they are bombarded with lies and propaganda on a daily basis and they are no longer able to separate fact from fiction.
I had a discussion with an intelligent friend yesterday who assured me that war was coming with Russia. How anyone can believe that beggars belief, but such is the relentless anti-Russian propaganda from all corners of the mass media that people no longer stop and utilise an ounce of common sense. Why does any intelligent person believe a word that comes out of Westminster and from our security services? They are demonstrated to be compulsive liars and criminals on a daily basis. They cover up and whitewash, lie deceive and persecute and yet still a gullible public sit and nod their heads, no wonder Lenin described them as useful idiots.
I was tempted to stop posting as I am sure no one wants to hear the things I am saying, but I decided to carry on. At least I will never be blamed for failing to take a stand, and maybe someday someone will think to themselves, 'you know there used to be a guy who warned us that this was going to happen, perhaps we should have listened to him?'
I am afraid I am uninterested in people who are called personalities. I have no desire to know who they are sleeping with, what they are wearing, or where they went on holiday. Perhaps if I was then people would be more interested in what I was writing about, but then I would rather poke my eyes out.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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