Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Tories with a conscience? Your having a laugh

I apologise for the gap between my posts but I have been moved to post today because of the resignation of Baroness Warsi on the morally indefensible stance of the British government over the Gaza crisis, a move I both applaud and support. However, it got me thinking about how incredibly hypocritical and morally relative the Westminster elite are.

I have not heard anything from the esteemed Baroness on the morality of staggering inequalities in modern Britain, nor of the immorality of the government's austerity programme, the benefits cuts and the attack on disability, or the millions of people who depend on foodbanks. She has no apparent problem with homelessness or of the deaths caused by the governments benefits sanctions where people have had all their benefits stopped on the most ridiculous excuses and people have committed suicide as a result. I have heard no condemnation of the immorality she and her party supported for the illegal bombing and invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan.

These are the people you are voting for if you vote no in the referendum in September. Alex Salmond's performance in the televised debate has absolutely no bearing on how you should vote. The referendum is about the future of Scotland, not about Salmond or the SNP. Salmond could drop dead tomorrow, and may not even win the election that would follow a Yes vote. If anything should motivate you it is today's news that Boris Johnston is going to stand for Parliament at the next election. This news should make you very afraid. This man will become leader of the Tory Party and therefore he will someday soon become a Prime Minister. If that happens and Scotland is still a member of the UK then you can look forward to leaving the European Union which will lead to the removal of all your human rights, the complete destruction of the union movement and the removal of the last vestiges of employment protection. This man hates working people and supports the extension of zero-hours contracts. What is certain is that he will completely privatise the NHS and turn Britain into a replica of the United States. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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