Monday, 25 August 2014

Boris Johnston, man of the people, friend of the Scots

I recently alerted you to the dangers of Boris Johnson who has let the cat out of the bag with respect to any future powers for a Scottish Parliament in the event of a No vote in the coming referendum. Boris does not see any reason for granting Scotland any more powers. Now, since he said that, I trust you have noticed that Westminster has been commissioning opinion polls that claim to show that a majority of English voters agree with him. What is happening here is that the ground is being laid for a scenario where, in the event of a No vote the Westminster parties will say, "oh yes we promised you more powers if you voted no, but now we find that English people are opposed to it and so we cannot ignore the wishes of the English people and so we have to refuse you any more powers."

Make no mistake that is what is going to happen. If we vote no next month and stay within the grasp of Westminster they will exact a revenge against Scotland for daring to challenge their supremacy that will take your breath away.

However, returning to Boris, he now wants to take the presumption of innocence away from people who travel from Britain to the Middle East if 'we' believe that they are going to help Islamic extremism. He claims that this requires a 'swift and minor change to the law.' Thus, anyone who travels to the Middle East for whatever reason can have their presumption of innocence revoked for any reason if the authorities decide it should. The presumption of innocence simply means that you are innocent until you are proven guilty. Now please think about that. What the Tories are planning is to charge you with being a terrorist before you have done anything and you will have to prove you are not. Now, in the United States, the training manuals that are used to train interrogators actually say that one of the proofs that you are a terrorist is if you deny it, and I am not making that up. I cannot stress enough how dangerous this man Johnson is, and  I remind you, he will be Prime Minister one day. Boris Johnson is an imbecile, but a very dangerous imbecile.

The presumption of innocence is a fundamental human right that has been the cornerstone of British law for centuries and was taken from Roman law which stated Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat (the burden of proof is on he who declares, not on he who denies). This presumption of innocence is enshrined in some of the fundamental documents of human rights such as The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It was codified in the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen in 1789, and is codified in The Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of the Council of Europe, The Charter of the Council of Europe and the Charter for the Fundamental Rights of the European Union.

However, according to the political and legal genius that is Boris Johnson, this is simply a "minor" legal matter. Now remember, this man is the head of the Metropolitan police and a future Prime Minister. I should not need to alert you to the grave dangers that accompany any dilution of our fundamental human rights, because if you think that the Tories will stop there you should not bother reading any more of my blog. I remind you I have just published a book outlining their determination to remove all of our human rights. This is the future that awaits you under Westminster rule. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat


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