Saturday, 12 July 2014

We must get away from Westminster as a matter of national security

The European Court of Human Rights prevented the British government from intercepting and retaining whatever material they wanted because it was both unnecessary and a gross infringement on our personal freedoms. Because of this, the government is rushing a bill through parliament with all party support to circumvent this ruling. As a result, the government will be able to access and keep all of our personal communications, by phone, email, text, our online browsing history etc. Now, we are constantly being told that there is nothing to fear if we have nothing to hide which is simply unacceptable as we have plenty to fear from politicians who conduct themselves in this manner. In addition we should all fear such matters as most of the data will be held by private companies who are completely out of the power of public scrutiny and accountability.

I have cautioned you before to be very wary of what the government and the security services tell us because they wish us to live in perpetual fear of imaginary plots and conspiracies by so-called terrorists which are completely bogus. This is for the purpose of power and control. Britain is becoming increasingly totalitarian and are being aided in this by their friends and allies in the press, the media and the security services, including the police. Its no use accusing me of paranoia and conspiracy, this is happening and happening for no justifiable cause. I mean, who do these people think they are?

I keep telling you to remember who these people are. A politician is simply someone who is lucky enough to get elected. There is no training required, no expertise other than the ability to lie persistently through your teeth and exploit your position to rob the British people of as much as you can before you retire. These people have no right whatsoever to demand such powers. The only way they could claim they are entitled to do such things would be if they had a demonstrable permission from a majority of the population. Everyone has things they want to hide, it is quite natural. They may be quite harmless but you nevertheless don't want anyone to know, and no-one has the right to claim that they should know. I say with all seriousness, Britain's top politicians are not very bright. Cameron is obviously quite thick and we have a Chancellor who operates under the principle that Einstein defined as insanity, that you keep doing the same things and hope that you get different results. I mean, look at Miliband and Clegg, they should not be allowed out without a minder, yet we are supposed to trust such people even though they have demonstrated time and time again that they don't know what they are doing and that they are pathological liars.

The British elite and their lackeys in the Westminster parliament are out of control and have been for many years. They are unaccountable and genuinely believe that they are entitled to do what they like. Westminster has been dogged by scandal for many years now and has been a hunting ground for paedophiles, scoundrels and criminals. They cannot be trusted as all of the so-called inquiries show because they cost a fortune and all they do is cover up for elite crimes and no-one is brought to book. It is not for nothing that the columnist Piers Morgan called Cameron a soulless weasel.

It is vital that we vote to leave the United Kingdom in September. Britain is being governed by criminals and people who are in government for the purpose of enriching a particular section of society at the expense of everyone else. This is a group who hate working people and refuse to be bound by the rules that govern the rest of us. This country is heading for serious trouble and we should wash our hands of it. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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