Hello again to anyone who actually reads this and who's interested in anything I have to say. I sincerely apologise for my absence which I remind you was for matters beyond my control. If you do read me I am genuinely grateful and trust you will share your thoughts with me. Someone told me I would be far more successful if I published humorous and personal comments, but I feel that matters in this sorry country of ours are far too serious and there is far too much triviality diverting people's attention away from the destruction of our society by the Westminster elite. For example;
On Question Time last night there was a question about the teachers taking strike action, which of course everyone on the panel with one exception roundly condemned. The essence of their condemnation was that the strike will be disruptive. Now, how teachers can take any form of action to protect their terms and conditions and their standard of living without being disruptive is a mystery? The disruption is unfortunate, but is actually the fault of the employers who genuinely believe that they have the right to do whatever they want and teachers are supposed to simply doff their caps and accept it. I continually ask people what workers are supposed to do when the employer simply refuses to negotiate and seeks to impose their will? I never get an answer! Now on the question of disruption, a very dear friend of mine was diagnosed with cancer and had a crucial appointment with a cancer consultant cancelled because of the wedding of William and Kate. All hospital activity ceased on that day, except for the day-today-care of inpatients. That of course was not disruption, that was a celebration. This did not impress my friend however, whose appointment was delayed for four months because of this wedding, four months during which he and his family were under considerable stress (being diagnosed with cancer has a tendency to be stressful, although to say that under such circumstances is considered to be deeply unpatriotic). That same day, every school in the country was on holiday, that of course was not disruptive either. Most schools in Britain are utilised as polling stations for elections, local, regional, national and European. Closing schools for elections is not disruptive of course. The only time a school is disrupted is when teachers take action to protect themselves and their families.
The point I wish to make here is the nauseating hypocrisy that infects the British people through their hatred of working people and their representative organisations. I wonder what the Queen would say if she had an appointment cancelled because of industrial action? My friend's appointment being cancelled for her son's wedding is however perfectly correct and justifiable, and, if he had subsequently died of his cancer because of the delay, that would have been all right because he would have given his life for his Queen and country. I'm afraid that he is being particularly selfish however as he refuses to see it in that manner, but then he's working class (and worse he's Scottish) and what else can you expect? I mean peasants will not accept their place any more, it is just not cricket, I don't know what this world is coming to? Had a head teacher decided that this wedding was unjustified disruption of his/her schools activities and kept the school open that day, he/she would undoubtedly have been sacked. That of course would have been right and proper.
I trust you will continue reading my thoughts and if you live in Scotland will vote Yes in September. I will try to keep you informed and hopefully stimulated, even if you disagree.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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