Sunday, 6 July 2014

We are sliding ever closer to fascism and slavery

I have repeatedly warned in this blog that the Westminster Parliament wants to introduce modern forms of slavery for working people. If I may return to the issues I was dealing about in my last post, the government has announced that they wish to introduce new legislation to curb the ability of workers to go on strike. I remind you, the strike weapon is the only weapon working people have at their disposal against employers who simply impose their will regardless of the consequences for their employees. They want to be able to rule industrial action illegal if the turnout in a ballot falls below a minimum level that they will set arbitrarily. Francis Maude, speaking for the government stated that

"We want to look at whether there should be a threshold in terms of turnout so that a ballot below a certain level should not give a valid legal mandate for strike action"

I trust you will register the eyewatering hypocrisy of such a proposal. At the last election in 2010, the Tories polled 36.1% of the votes on a 65.1% turnout. This means that they got 23.5% of possible votes. The Lib/Dems got 23% of the vote which gives them 15% of the possible vote. When you combine their votes it tells you that they formed a government together with 38.5% of possible voters. In other words, the two coalition partners cannot muster a government with even 40% support from the British people. In November 2012 the government conducted much heralded elections for their pet project of elected police commissioners. The turnout for these elections was 14.9%, a scandal that was dismissed by David Cameron as being the result of the novelty of such posts as he was quite sure turnout would be much higher next time. In one polling station in Newport in Gwent, not one single vote was cast. Thus a school was closed in Newport disrupting the children's education and a lot of money was spent on an election for no purpose whatsoever. On the same day as these elections, a parliamentary by-election was held in Manchester Central that resulted in a turnout of 18.16%.

It is difficult for ordinary people to really come to terms with Westminster's hatred for working people. Many people think I exaggerate, but such statistics are evidence of the dangerous and sinister double standards applied by the Westminster elite. As you will be reading yourselves, many commentators are contemplating the real possibility of a Tory/UKIP coalition after 2015. If anyone can challenge the Tories loathing of working people and trade unions it's UKIP. Should this scenario actually come to pass, Britain will leave the European Union and the working people of this country will lose all of their employment rights, and most of what's left of their human rights. I am not inventing any of this, both the Tories and UKIP are quite open about their policies and how they will scrap the Human Rights Act. However, regardless of the outcome of the next election these types of restriction on our freedoms will happen as Labour will not support the working class either. They have made that quite plain. The only solution for the short and medium term is a Yes vote in the coming referendum. There is absolutely no point in staying in the United Kingdom. What on earth have we to gain by being Better Together? It is one massive lie. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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