On Question Time last night there was a question that asked if the rise of UKIP means a rise in racism in the UK and the answer to that is of course a resounding yes. Despite all their denials, UKIP and its supporters have two answers to every problem, Europe and immigration. They never discuss any other matter in relation to any social or economic problem, its either Europe's fault or its those pesky immigrants. This is the classic scapegoat mentality, and it's founded on a fear and hatred of others. Nothing is ever our fault, we are Great Britain and our greatness lies in our white Anglo-Saxon heritage, a heritage that is being poisoned and diluted by foreign enemies, by people who hate us and wish to destroy us. I don't need to make anything up about UKIP or the people who support it, I don't need to distort or misrepresent them. They are open and honest, it's all the fault of Johnny Foreigner.
It's immigration that's to blame for the housing crisis, for the problems with our public services for unemployment amongst indigenous British people, for the crisis in the health service etc. etc. It has totally escaped these people that the British elite caused the most serious financial crisis in history, that public services and the health service are suffering unprecedented cuts in their budgets, that working people are suffering huge wage cuts and a falling standard of living, that there is a housing crisis because the elite are deliberately refusing to build houses in order to drive up house prices and refuse to allocate the 800,000 empty properties that exist all through England and Wales. All of these problems are either the fault of the European Union, immigrants or both.
If that is not racist then I do not understand the concept. Yesterday's elections show that the British people are happily buying into this poisoned belief system because it is easier to blame others than to admit that we have got it wrong and have made a mess of things. You should be quite alarmed by this development as it is the start of something within the UK that will turn very nasty unless it is challenged, shown for the garbage that it is and stopped. It is quite insightful how the elite in this country have managed to shift the blame for their incompetence and criminality onto other people. It's all the unions fault, or the scroungers and skivers, or Europe's, or immigrants, or people on benefits, or the disabled. The list of scapegoats is endless but the culprits are as clear as day, the Westminster elite and its cronies in the financial and business world. Our problems fundamentally stem from a diseased economic model that will brook no challenge to its dominance, not from Europe, not from immigrants, not from the unions or the normal culprits that scream out at us from the front pages of the Mail and the Express. There are indeed none so blind as those who will not see, just make sure you know who the real culprits are, you have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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