I must apologise to anyone who is kind enough to read this blog for not posting for a week, but I have been working on something that took my attention. In addition, there is so much happening in this dreadful country of ours that is quite disgraceful that I get quite depressed about it and feel that all I do on this site is appear as a harbinger of doom. However, I feel that, as Edmund Burke said, all it requires for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing. Now I am not claiming for a moment that I am a good man, but I do feel compelled to speak out rather than sit and say nothing. Even if I only reach a handful of people, and, even if they don't agree with me, if I can get them to think then, as the song says, my living will not be in vain.
Two things have caught my attention this week, first, the government has given the Inland Revenue the power to enter people's bank accounts and simply take money out of them if they are in arrears with their taxes. Second, they are planning to make it compulsory that unions must achieve a certain threshold of votes in any ballot for industrial action before that action can be legal. These things might not appear too drastic, but they are fundamental in their implications for our freedoms and rights.
First, I would remind you that in our so-called parliamentary democracy, only twice since the start of the twentieth century, that's 114 years now, has any government been elected with a majority of the popular vote. The hypocrisy of the Westminster establishment has reached critical levels. At local government and European Parliament elections, turnouts in the 20-30% bracket are normal, which means that European MPs and local councillors are getting elected with less than 20% of the vote in many cases, and it is often lower. However, if a worker dares to exercise the only power at his/her disposal by taking industrial action to defend their living standards and the living standards of their families they are now being likened to terrorists and being subjected to electoral standards of proof that Westminster can only dream of. This is class war, and cannot be called anything else. I continually warn you that the free-marketeers in all Westminster parties will not rest until working people are reduced to slavery.
In addition, laws are simply the ability of someone in power to legislate for or against things they either approve of or disapprove of, and in Britain law is a reflection of ruling class interests. It is a fundamental human right to break the law as long as you are willing to take the consequences. That is a concept that was established by the early Greeks and was the principle enunciated by Socrates at his trial. There are many reasons that people default on their taxes, and not all of them are the result of evasion. However, even I am guilty of tax evasion, then I have a right to decide to go to jail rather than pay my tax or a fine. If I lose such rights then I am effectively being deprived of any form of choice and therefore control over my own life. Such things must not be considered lightly. I published a book in which I warned that we are losing all of our human rights, and things have gotten worse since it was published. My book is called Human Rights in a Big Yellow Taxi, and its title is a reference to the Joni Mitchell song Big Yellow Taxi whose chorus is "don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you've got till its gone?" That is what the people in Britain are facing under this Westminster system. If the only thing you can do is vote to stop it, then that is what you must do. I would also ask you to note that none of these measures apply to the biggest culprits, corporations and millionaires, just to the mugs at the bottom. If that is not class war, then someone please enlighten me as to what it is. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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