I trust you will have seen the latest polls that show Labour falling in support and both the Tories and UKIP gaining ground. So what does the future hold if we follow the Better Together recipe and vote to remain within this glorious entity we call the United Kingdom? A Tory - UKIP coalition, that's what. How does that grab you? UKIP have a policy to abolish the Scottish devolved Parliament by the way, did you know that? So, the future will mean more austerity, more class warfare, more hatred of working people being realised in legislation, more inequality, more wealth for the elite, more privatisation, more zero-hours contracts, more unemployment, more foodbanks; is that enough or shall I continue?
Anyone reading this knows I am not exaggerating nor making anything up. I don't do that because I would be bombarded with rebuttals and charges of bias and lying if I did, and quite rightly so! Osborne has already told us that immediately following the next election, if he has the opportunity he will make another immediate cut of £25billion. This figure has been agreed and endorsed by Labour as well. That Labour should do this is only right and proper of course because, as the Scottish Labour leader Johann Lamont told us in her debate on television with Nicola Sturgeon, the Scots are not genetically programmed to make decisions. I trust you saw that debate and remember her saying that? Well if you didn't then that is what she told the nation on national television. That means of course, that the Scots need to be part of the UK in order that Westminster can make all of our decisions for us. Now isn't that good of them given that we are so congenitally stupid?
So, Tories, Labour or UKIP, who should it be? In fact does it matter, are there any significant differences? Answers on a postcard please! That, when you really examine it, is the choices you are faced with under this Westminster system. A party who loathes the Scots and particularly the Scottish lower classes, a party who holds us in contempt and tells us quite openly that we are incapable of thinking for ourselves let alone ruling ourselves, and a party who will abolish what little decision-making we enjoy and incorporate us into a zenophobic and racist union based on hatred and fear of anyone who if different. In addition, all three of these parties are committed to the economics of neoliberalism, all three of them are unashamedly elitist, all three of them are staffed with Oxbridge educated incompetents and arrogants who have never worked a day in their lives and all three of them have a hatred of working people and their organisations.
I am going to change the tenor of this blog as I have said all I really have to say about the coming referendum. If anyone reading this is unimpressed by my analysis, then nothing I can say any more will alter their views. In addition, I bet most of you are fed up reading about it. I would appreciate your thoughts on my rantings, please feel free to comment on anything you like. I will not be offended.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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