Sunday, 4 May 2014

Better Together? You must be sick!

I don't know what it will take for the British people to stop and consider what is happening to their country and what is happening to millions of their fellow citizens. In addition, I wonder if they know the dangers that are inherent in the course this country is pursuing under its present political system.

The latest figures from the Office of National Statistics show us that the conditions of working people in the UK are deteriorating at increasing speed towards truly Victorian levels. There are now 1.4 million people on zero-hour contracts. That is people with no set hours or wage levels. If you are on such conditions of employment it is impossible to do any financial planning. It is impossible to get a mortgage or a bankloan. You have no insurance, holiday pay or employment rights. In short you are in a condition of modern slavery, totally dependent on an employer who our governments have given the permission to do whatever he/she want with you and you are helpless to stop them. Wages for the under 25s have fallen 14% since 2000 with wages for the 25-29 age group down 12%. Since 2008 real average wages have fallen 8% which is the equivalent of an average annual fall of £2000 for every working person  in the country. Thus, if you take the people on zerohour contracts along with those on part-time and temporary contracts you are talking of 11 million people in the UK with no full-time employment, no security or no decent prospects of a stable future. Add into this devils brew the phenomenon of foodbanks, staggering inequality and real large-scale poverty and you can begin to get a true picture of the state of this glorious nation of ours.

All this is happening at a time when the wages and bonuses of the elite are reaching staggering levels and are being justified by our political class. MPs are defrauding the taxpayer, celebrities and billionaires are paying less tax than teachers, but polls are showing that the majority of the people still blame the disadvantaged, not only for their own situation, but the situation the country finds itself in. I am beginning to believe that I must be spectacularly stupid and am missing something that is obvious to everyone else. The Thatcherite experiment has reached maturity. The British must be amongst the most selfish and callous amongst the so-called civilised world. We are facing a situation where UKIP stands to win the European elections on a programme that is zenophobic, deeply discriminatory, racist and divisive, and the British people are increasingly embracing such attitudes. When you look at the strategies of the Tories and their bedfellows in  the other Westminster parties you have to stand back in positive admiration at their success in diverting the blame for, and the attention from, their criminality onto the most unfortunate in society.

This is the conditions that the Better Together campaign encourages us to support. It is deception on a scale that is truly disgusting. What I find difficult to believe is how anyone can question that the people who live in Scotland could not make a better job of running their own country than the present gang of selfish, greedy sociopaths. What have we got to lose? Well nothing really! You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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