I know that I said that I would not dwell on the upcoming referendum but the situation in Britain is getting beyond a joke and independence for the Scottish people is now an economic and political necessity. The charity Save the Children report that over 5 million children in the UK are being condemned to a life of poverty by the government's policies, policies that both major Westminster parties are committed to after the next election whoever wins it. The charity calls Britain the most unfair country in the developed world (something I have been telling you for some time now). The crucial part of the report is the fact that these are children from working families, they are not the unemployed. That is the Better Together future we are facing if we vote no in September.
Another survey by the British Attitudes Survey also highlights how Britain is becoming more racist with one-third of the British population admitting to being racially prejudiced. That confirms that the rise in UKIP and the Tory right-wing is indeed being fuelled by a hatred of foreigners. The constant scapegoating of Europe, Muslims and immigrants by the gutter press is having a corroding effect on our national life. This, as I said before, is deliberate scapegoating to turn people's attention away from the disaster of the dominant economic system that is making the people fuelling this racism and poverty extremely rich.
Poverty and racism are the results of a cause, and the cause is incompetent, extremely greedy and dishonest politicians. These social ills could all be mitigated if our political class faced up to their crimes and held the liars and criminals in the press, particularly the Daily Mail and the Express, to account for their behaviour in stoking hatred and prejudice, and made serious attempts to redistribute the wealth of the country. If the British fail to address these issues, and fail they most assuredly will because the present situation suits them, then there will be serious social and political consequences. The Scottish people can escape this with a little bit of courage. The future for England and Wales will get much worse before it gets better, if it ever does. Whatever Scotland's future brings, if we are independent then we can only blame it on ourselves, but at least we will be in control of that future. So, if anyone tries to tell you that we will be Better Together, ask them how and insist on getting an answer that makes sense instead of a pile of patriotic and meaningless garbage. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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