Thursday, 29 May 2014

The death of the middle class? Good enough for them!

I posted yesterday about how Britain has become characterised by poverty and racism. The following is taken out of todays Huffington Post

Britain will be left with a "tiny elite and huge sprawling proletariat" who have no chance of "clawing their way out of a hand-to-mouth existence" in 30 years, a government adviser has warned.
David Boyle, a fellow at the New Economics Foundation think-tank, issued his stark warning as he predicted that rising property prices would effectively render the middle classes extinct as the dream of home ownership becomes ever more distant.

This post may seem a little harsh, but I can assure you I will not give a scintilla of sympathy to our disappearing middle classes, those that our political elite love to call the squeezed middle. The more they are squeezed the better. Why do I say this?

These are the people who cheered to the rooftops when Thatcher abolished council housing and privatised our council stock. These are the people who cheered to the rooftops when she forced the rents of council housing up by an average of 400%. These are the people who cheered when Thatcher waged war on the unions. These are the people who cheered when Thatcher destroyed our system of local government and forced all of their services to be privatised. These are the people who cheered when Thatcher destroyed the coal and steel industries. These are the people who cheered when Thatcher destroyed the miners and set the police on them to do whatever they liked. These are the people who embraced the free market neoliberal economic model and have voted continually for it for 30 years. These are the people who cheered who Thatcher and her successors privatised every public service and who bought the shares with the sole intention of selling them as quick as they could to immediately make a nice profit, thus leaving all of our public services in the hands of a few multinational gangsters who have ripped the rest of us off since. These are the people who cheered the privatisation of our transport, leaving us with the disaster that is our railway system and bus services that almost require a second mortgage to use them.

These are the people who jeered and mocked people like me when we warned them this day was coming. These are the people who now blame immigrants and Europe for the mess they deliberately created. These are the people whose greed and disregard for anyone else has brought them to this point. It is said that you reap what you sow, and the British middle classes sowed all the seeds of the mess we are in today. These are the people who still vote Tory or who are now switching to UKIP. These are the people who have the gall to tell us we are Better Together. These are the people who told me I was an idiot when I told them many years ago that a financial crisis was coming that was going to destroy this country. Don't waste your sympathy on such people. It is only when they suffer what they have inflicted on other people that any meaningful change will occur in this sorry country. I have continually told you in this blog that you get what you voted for. This is what these people voted for despite refusing to see what it was they were doing. If you have any sympathy direct it to the people who have been the victims of these people's greed and selfishness for the past 30 years, and to the people who are now being scapegoated for these people's stupidity. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat  

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Poverty and Racism, the nature of modern Britain

I know that I said that I would not dwell on the upcoming referendum but the situation in Britain is getting beyond a joke and independence for the Scottish people is now an economic and political necessity. The charity Save the Children report that over 5 million children in the UK are being condemned to a life of poverty by the government's policies, policies that both major Westminster parties are committed to after the next election whoever wins it. The charity calls Britain the most unfair country in the developed world (something I have been telling you for some time now). The crucial part of the report is the fact that these are children from working families, they are not the unemployed. That is the Better Together future we are facing if we vote no in September.

Another survey by the British Attitudes Survey also highlights how Britain is becoming more racist with one-third of the British population admitting to being racially prejudiced. That confirms that the rise in UKIP and the Tory right-wing is indeed being fuelled by a hatred of foreigners. The constant scapegoating of Europe, Muslims and immigrants by the gutter press is having a corroding effect on our national life. This, as I said before, is deliberate scapegoating to turn people's attention away from the disaster of the dominant economic system that is making the people fuelling this racism and poverty extremely rich.

Poverty and racism are the results of a cause, and the cause is incompetent, extremely greedy and dishonest politicians. These social ills could all be mitigated if our political class faced up to their crimes and held the liars and criminals in the press, particularly the Daily Mail and the Express, to account for their behaviour in stoking hatred and prejudice, and made serious attempts to redistribute the wealth of the country. If the British fail to address these issues, and fail they most assuredly will because the present situation suits them, then there will be serious social and political consequences. The Scottish people can escape this with a little bit of courage. The future for England and Wales will get much worse before it gets better, if it ever does. Whatever Scotland's future brings, if we are independent then we can only blame it on ourselves, but at least we will be in control of that future. So, if anyone tries to tell you that we will be Better Together, ask them how and insist on getting an answer that makes sense instead of a pile of patriotic and meaningless garbage. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Monday, 26 May 2014

European elections

The results of the European elections must give us pause for thought and require a proper reflection of what the results mean. Whilst coming top of the poll, UKIP appear to have polled 9% of the electorate as the result was based on a turnout of 33%. What is significant is the rise of right-wing parties across the European spectrum. This is a very dangerous scenario, the right cause wars because their analysis begins and ends with blaming other people. It's the Jews, the Muslims, the unemployed, the immigrants etc. They are not intelligent enough to understand the underlying causes of problems and are not interested anyway, they know the enemy and have the solutions and don't need any smart arse to caution them to stop and consider that they may be wrong. This is so evident with the British Tory and his UKIP henchmen. Remember, the Tories and UKIP and both fighting for the same constituency and to convince us that they are the ones to deal with foreigners, immigrants, benefit scroungers etc.

I do not believe that these results indicate a rejection of Europe or the European ideal, what I feel is that this is a reaction to austerity and to the neoliberal free market model that is the fundamental cause of all our social and economic problems. It is also a rejection of the arrogance of the main Westminster parties and their contemptuous dismissal of the electorate. As I've said before, Albert Einstein told us that insanity is continuing to do the same things and expecting different results and that is what all of the European mainstream parties have been doing since 2007. It is this form of insanity and the people who continue to promote it that the electorates around Europe are rejecting. Nowhere is this disease more relevant than in the UK.

It is profoundly dispiriting that the Scots have given UKIP 10% of their votes. I haven't seen the turnout in Scotland, but if it is 30% as it is in the rest of the country, that means that only 3 voters in every 100 have voted for UKIP, but that is still 3 too many. What is certain is that the principal commentators will read the wrong message from these results and, in classic Einstein fashion, will continue to promote the same policies and the same people. Do not be like them and don't give in to scapegoating people who are not the cause of our problems. I have asked people who told me they were going to vote UKIP if they had any idea what they stood for other than Europe and immigration and they gaily admitted they had no idea. That is not only sad, it is scary.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Sunday, 25 May 2014

UKIP - Part 2

It is obvious that many of the people voting for UKIP are doing so for the same reason that many in Scotland are voting SNP, as the only viable alternative to the unacceptable disaster that are the three main Westminster parties. But there the comparison with Scotland ends. UKIP are a genuine danger to British politics and to far too many of the British population. I would ask you to contemplate what many people would be facing if UKIP were to form a government freed from the European Union and particularly the European Court of Justice and the Court of Human Rights.

UKIP are quite genuinely homophobic, sexist and anti worker on top of their hatred for foreigners. Nigel Farage boasts that he is the only politician keeping the flame of Thatcherism alive and it must never be forgotten that he was a former city trader who is steeped in neoliberal free market economics. As a result, one of his policies is to cut the amount of money paid to women in benefits by 50%. UKIP are committed to the privatisation of both the NHS and education, and they are in favour of a flat rate income tax. This means that billionaires will pay the same tax as someone on the minimum wage. This, as I have tried to show in earlier posts is a mechanism for transferring wealth from the bottom up to the top. It means, in practice, that people at the bottom end of the earnings scale are subsidising those at the top. UKIP are very hostile to workers and their unions and one of their policies is to scrap the four weeks holiday with pay provisions and abolish sick pay.

Thus, how would you like to be a worker, a woman, gay, a Muslim or an immigrant in a Britain run by UKIP and free from the restraints of human rights law and the European Union. UKIP are a totally committed neoliberal party who attract people for whom the Tories are too left-wing, and that was not said in jest. They are genuinely dangerous. As a result, can you contemplate the scenario after the next election if the Tories are forced into coalition with them? Of course not all the people who voted for them are racist, but they are quite prepared to turn a blind eye to their racism and homophobia, to their hatreds, to their extremism and to the genuine dangers inherent in their policies. Such wilful blindness has happened before in Europe with appalling consequences. I wasn't going to dwell on the referendum again, but after Thursday, Scottish independence has become an imperative. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Friday, 23 May 2014

UKIP - the saviours of the human race!

On Question Time last night there was a question that asked if the rise of UKIP means a rise in racism in the UK and the answer to that is of course a resounding yes. Despite all their denials, UKIP and its supporters have two answers to every problem, Europe and immigration. They never discuss any other matter in relation to any social or economic problem, its either Europe's fault or its those pesky immigrants. This is the classic scapegoat mentality, and it's founded on a fear and hatred of others. Nothing is ever our fault, we are Great Britain and our greatness lies in our white Anglo-Saxon heritage, a heritage that is being poisoned and diluted by foreign enemies, by people who hate us and wish to destroy us. I don't need to make anything up about UKIP or the people who support it, I don't need to distort or misrepresent them. They are open and honest, it's all the fault of Johnny Foreigner.

It's immigration that's to blame for the housing crisis, for the problems with our public services for unemployment amongst indigenous British people, for the crisis in the health service etc. etc. It has totally escaped these people that the British elite caused the most serious financial crisis in history, that public services and the health service are suffering unprecedented cuts in their budgets, that working people are suffering huge wage cuts and a falling standard of living, that there is a housing crisis because the elite are deliberately refusing to build houses in order to drive up house prices and refuse to allocate the 800,000 empty properties that exist all through England and Wales. All of these problems are either the fault of the European Union, immigrants or both.

If that is not racist then I do not understand the concept. Yesterday's elections show that the British people are happily buying into this poisoned belief system because it is easier to blame others than to admit that we have got it wrong and have made a mess of things. You should be quite alarmed by this development as it is the start of something within the UK that will turn very nasty unless it is challenged, shown for the garbage that it is and stopped. It is quite insightful how the elite in this country have managed to shift the blame for their incompetence and criminality onto other people. It's all the unions fault, or the scroungers and skivers, or Europe's, or immigrants, or people on benefits, or the disabled. The list of scapegoats is endless but the culprits are as clear as day, the Westminster elite and its cronies in the financial and business world. Our problems fundamentally stem from a diseased economic model that will brook no challenge to its dominance, not from Europe, not from immigrants, not from the unions or the normal culprits that scream out at us from the front pages of the Mail and the Express. There are indeed none so blind as those who will not see, just make sure you know who the real culprits are, you have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Sunday, 18 May 2014

The fundamentals of free market economics - part 1

I have been asked why the crisis in our financial system and ultimately our whole society has been so deep and so difficult to solve despite all of the austerity measures and the sacrifices of the bulk of the population. I have tried to indicate in my blog that it is because of the errors that comprise the fundamentals of the dominant ideology in Britain over the past 30 years. However, I realise that I should explain this more fully.

Free market neoliberal ideology is predicated on the concept of the free individual who is a rational consumer. I shall deal with the rational in another post, but feel I must start with the concept of individualism. Each person is an individual, but an individual who is a social being. So, what does that mean? Every prominent philosopher in history, with a few exceptions, has began their enquiry into the human condition with a theory of human nature. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, David Hume, Adam Smith, Karl Marx, John Stuart Mill, Tom :Paine, John Donne, just to name a few, have all started from the basis that the human being is a social being, that human nature is a social nature. This means that the human being cannot be understood as an atomised individual. The human being is a product of society, a being who can only be understood and analysed as a product of their socialisation, whose individuality is a reflection of their environment.

Before a child is born it is subject to external influences, the emotions and feelings of its mother, the sounds and impulses it picks up from the daily life its mother operates within. From the moment of its birth the child is a dependent. No child would survive few hours without the nurture it receives from its parents and the society into which it is born. Before birth and for the rest of its existence, a human being is interdependent and lives in an interactive universe. It is being socialised from the moment of its conception. A human being's thoughts, emotions, impulses and feelings are all the result of external influences until it is mature enough to begin to discriminate on its own behalf. Even then, we learn from our experience which is again an interactive and interdependent experience. As Karl Marx notes, our individuality is individuated within a social context. The concept of the atomised individual is not only a nonsense, it is an impossibility.

As a result, the very genesis of free market economic and political theory is wrong and the whole of free market theory is predicated on a false hypothesis. The whole of the Thatcher experiment was based on the Thatcherite thesis that there is no such thing as society, but this is also wrong as it again denies the nature of the human species. Thatcher said that for a reason, even she could not have been so stupid as to believe that. The reason was that if there is no such thing as society, then society has no responsibilities as it has no existence. Thus, every fault in the world is individual. There can be no social reasons for unemployment, poverty, disease, war or any other social phenomenon because there is no such thing as a social phenomenon. As a result, there can be no social solutions to such problems and society has no responsibility for benefits, rights, pensions, sickness etc. As a result, there should be no social solutions provided, there should be no unemployment benefit, no state pensions, no social security, and any attempts to raise taxation to provide for such things is simply wrong. All of the above should be the responsibility of each individual and must only be provided by a private and personal provision.

The whole of the free market experiment as championed by our Westminster elite is a dehumanised and callous disregard for the human condition and human suffering. It is based on greed and pure selfishness. It seeks only wealth and power. Human suffering and disadvantage is the fault of each individual and is no business of anyone else. If they are suffering it is their own fault and is no-one else's responsibility. If you need help you must pay for it and if you cannot pay, tough. This is the Westminster free market mentality. If you agree with it, then I trust you will not access this blog again, you are not welcome. If you agree with it, but are prepared to question it and think about what you read here with an open mind then you are most welcome. If you agree with it and are prepared to engage in an open and honest debate, you are my friend. If this ideology is not challenged and continues for much longer, then the end of Britain as a civilised society is very close. You have been warned. I will look at the concept of the rational individual soon.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Britain - a moral desert!

The recent disclosure of the Sunday Times Rich List shows us that the 1000 wealthiest people in Britain now own the equivalent of one-third of all the wealth in this country. The wealth of this group increased by 15.4% in the past year alone. Indeed, the top 64 people on the list now own the equivalent of the combined wealth of the poorest 30% of the population. The Sunday Times shows us that the top 1000 people own £518,975 billion. Since 2010, the average working person in this country has seen their income fall by £1,600.

Britain is a very sick nation and is governed by people who think that what I have just written about is 'the right thing to do'. Those are the words constantly spouted by the filth in Westminster. So, when you read about the economy recovering and how our nation is getting back to business as usual, you should be aware of what actually is happening. This is the classic case of how figures don't lie, but liars figure.

Now, whether these people have earned their money legally or not is not the point. These are levels of wealth that can never be spent. Such money is no particular use to people beyond a certain point. In addition, as I said in my last post, the Tories are gaining in the polls and look to be heading for victory in the next election. This should scare you, as the austerity measures we have witnessed since 2010, are just the tip of the iceberg, the worst is yet to come. What is remarkable about this is that the Chancellor has been quite honest about it and nobody but me seems to be listening to him. It's as if people are saying, " but he doesn't really mean it." The future of Britain is genuinely dystopian. We saw this week, how the Turkish government responded to people protesting about a mining disaster caused by callous private owners. This type of thing is growing in this country with the government enquiring about the purchase of water cannons, arming the police and considering the use of baton rounds against any form of protest and dissent. The police in this country now consider you to be a target for surveillance if you as much as challenge any government policy or activity. As the type of inequality we saw at the start of this piece gets worse, there must come a point when people say enough is enough. How do you think the government and the police will react to that? Remember, they are already anticipating this and have begun to move to prevent workers taking action to defend their jobs and their standard of living. Why do you think they want water cannon, why do you think they want us out of Europe? I have repeatedly warned that there will soon be no human rights left in this country.

I have said before, privatisation is a disaster and we now have the government planning to privatise children's services, particularly child protection. We will now have the decision as to what to do with problem children given to people driven by the profit motive rather than the welfare of the child. I want you to consider the record of the private sector with respect to care for the elderly, care for the disabled, care for immigrants in detention centres etc. Their record is simply appalling. Imagine inflicting these people on our children. I also want you to reflect on how many people are being held accountable for the criminality we are seeing, how many private firms have been prosecuted, how many company directors being brought to court? This is a country that has only one regard, wealth and power. The vulnerable, the disadvantaged, the sick and the needy are looked on purely as a means for making money. Modern Britain is a quite disgusting place and its only going to get worse. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Thursday, 15 May 2014

The free market is a lie - simples!

The following is from the Guardian newspaper 15/5/14

Carphone Warehouse and Dixons have agreed a £3.8bn merger to create an electricals retail giant with 3,000 stores and sales of almost £12bn.
The new company, called Dixons Carphone, will bring the household names Currys, PC World and Carphone Warehouse under one umbrella. Dixons and Carphone shareholders will each own 50% of the combined group under the deal.

I have repeatedly tried to show how the free market economic model we are dominated by in this country is a fraud and the above news shows us how. A free market economy is founded on competition and that news shows us the way in which competition is disappearing in this country. There was a time when Curry's were in competition with PC World. There was a time when PC World, Curry's and Dixons were in competition with each other. There is almost no competition left in this so-called market. I have said before in this blog, the notion that the free market leads to greater competition is a lie, what the free market does is create monopolies.

The free market as outlined by Adam Smith was based on thousands of producers of goods of all kinds competing for millions of customers. This kind of competition led, in theory, to greater quality, lower prices, and choice for the consumer. I say in theory, because Smith's writings were for a particular period in history when such a scenario was possible. In addition, the market was never free it was regulated, in Smith's writings it is regulated by self-interest and by the natural human proclivity for sympathy. If the human being would not self-regulate then Smith was quite clear that it would be imposed externally. In Smith's economic world there would be no place for monopoly, an activity Smith likened to gangsterism.

The major economic problem with modern Britain is its lack of regulation. If you truly desire a free market economy you must regulate to prevent such monopolisation of economic activity. As a result, the Anglo-American notion of the free market is dangerous and is not desirable, regardless of what our Westminster criminals tell you. The human being is a social being and therefore his/her existence is an interactive and interdependent existence. No human activity that impacts on other people should be regarded as being beyond regulation. That is particularly true of economic behaviour. All economic behaviour takes place within a particular social and political framework and therefore impacts on both the social and the political. As a result, all economic behaviour should be subject to regulation where necessary. That was the cause of the financial crash, a refusal by incompetent and ignorant politicians to regulate what are called the financial markets, but what are in reality not markets at all, but casinos. I call them incompetent and ignorant when I actually suspect that they are criminal and are motivated to transfer as much wealth as possible into their pockets and the pockets of all their mates at everyone else's expense. Can anyone tell me with a straight face that they genuinely believe that anyone in the Tory and Labour Parties give a toss about the people in this country? 

History will eventually record Margaret Thatcher as one of the biggest disasters ever to be inflicted on the British people. Her children, Major, Blair and Brown, will eventually be judged as clowns, but very dangerous clowns. They are economic incompetents, that is beyond dispute, and I am here giving them the benefit of doubt because if they were not incompetent and knew what they were doing then they were truly dangerous and sinister. Britain will never recover or begin to resemble a civilised society until the dominant economic model is abandoned and the greed it encourages is restrained and regulated. This of course cannot happen until we purge Westminster of its present domination by the gang of cretins who hold office and make the Sopranos look like a charity. In our system of zero-hours contracts, of low wages that require working people to use foodbanks, of poverty and rampant inequality, I leave you with a quote from Adam Smith in The Wealth of Nations. If our society operates a free market that takes its inspiration from Smith's writings, how do our economic geniuses reconcile their policies with a man who writes the following  

The liberal reward of labour, as it encourages the propagation, so it increases the industry of the common people. The wages of labour are the encouragement of industry, which, like every other human quality, improves in proportion to the encouragement it receives. A plentiful subsistence increases the bodily strength of the labourer, and the comfortable hope of bettering his condition, and of ending his days, perhaps, in ease and plenty, animates him to exert that strength to the utmost. Where wages are high, accordingly, we shall always find the workmen more active, diligent, and expeditious, than where they are low

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

The future of the UK? It's scary!

I trust you will have seen the latest polls that show Labour falling in support and both the Tories and UKIP gaining ground. So what does the future hold if we follow the Better Together recipe and vote to remain within this glorious entity we call the United Kingdom? A Tory - UKIP coalition, that's what. How does that grab you? UKIP have a policy to abolish the Scottish devolved Parliament by the way, did you know that? So, the future will mean more austerity, more class warfare, more hatred of working people being realised in legislation, more inequality, more wealth for the elite, more privatisation, more zero-hours contracts, more unemployment, more foodbanks; is that enough or shall I continue?

Anyone reading this knows I am not exaggerating nor making anything up. I don't do that because I would be bombarded with rebuttals and charges of bias and lying if I did, and quite rightly so! Osborne has already told us that immediately following the next election, if he has the opportunity he will make another immediate cut of £25billion. This figure has been agreed and endorsed by Labour as well. That Labour should do this is only right and proper of course because, as the Scottish Labour leader Johann Lamont told us in her debate on television with Nicola Sturgeon, the Scots are not genetically programmed to make decisions. I trust you saw that debate and remember her saying that? Well if you didn't then that is what she told the nation on national television. That means of course, that the Scots need to be part of the UK in order that Westminster can make all of our decisions for us. Now isn't that good of them given that we are so congenitally stupid?

So, Tories, Labour or UKIP, who should it be? In fact does it matter, are there any significant differences? Answers on a postcard please! That, when you really examine it, is the choices you are faced with under this Westminster system. A party who loathes the Scots and particularly the Scottish lower classes, a party who holds us in contempt and tells us quite openly that we are incapable of thinking for ourselves let alone ruling ourselves, and a party who will abolish what little decision-making we enjoy and incorporate us into a zenophobic and racist union based on hatred and fear of anyone who if different. In addition, all three of these parties are committed to the economics of neoliberalism, all three of them are unashamedly elitist, all three of them are staffed with Oxbridge educated incompetents and arrogants who have never worked a day in their lives and all three of them have a hatred of working people and their organisations.

I am going to change the tenor of this blog as I have said all I really have to say about the coming referendum. If anyone reading this is unimpressed by my analysis, then nothing I can say any more will alter their views. In addition, I bet most of you are fed up reading about it. I would appreciate your thoughts on my rantings, please feel free to comment on anything you like. I will not be offended.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Britain is in a state of perpetual war against its own people.

I must apologise to anyone who is kind enough to read this blog for not posting for a week, but I have been working on something that took my attention. In addition, there is so much happening in this dreadful country of ours that is quite disgraceful that I get quite depressed about it and feel that all I do on this site is appear as a harbinger of doom. However, I feel that, as Edmund Burke said, all it requires for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing. Now I am not claiming for a moment that I am a good man, but I do feel compelled to speak out rather than sit and say nothing. Even if I only reach a handful of people, and, even if they don't agree with me, if I can get them to think then, as the song says, my living will not be in vain.

Two things have caught my attention this week, first, the government has given the Inland Revenue the power to enter people's bank accounts and simply take money out of them if they are in arrears with their taxes. Second, they are planning to make it compulsory that unions must achieve a certain threshold of votes in any ballot for industrial action before that action can be legal. These things might not appear too drastic, but they are fundamental in their implications for our freedoms and rights.

First, I would remind you that in our so-called parliamentary democracy, only twice since the start of the twentieth century, that's 114 years now, has any government been elected with a majority of the popular vote. The hypocrisy of the Westminster establishment has reached critical levels. At local government and European Parliament elections, turnouts in the 20-30% bracket are normal, which means that European MPs and local councillors are getting elected with less than 20% of the vote in many cases, and it is often lower. However, if a worker dares to exercise the only power at his/her disposal by taking industrial action to defend their living standards and the living standards of their families they are now being likened to terrorists and being subjected to electoral standards of proof that Westminster can only dream of. This is class war, and cannot be called anything else. I continually warn you that the free-marketeers in all Westminster parties will not rest until working people are reduced to slavery.

In addition, laws are simply the ability of someone in power to legislate for or against things they either approve of or disapprove of, and in Britain law is a reflection of ruling class interests. It is a fundamental human right to break the law as long as you are willing to take the consequences. That is a concept that was established by the early Greeks and was the principle enunciated by Socrates at his trial. There are many reasons that people default on their taxes, and not all of them are the result of evasion. However, even I am guilty of tax evasion, then I have a right to decide to go to jail rather than pay my tax or a fine. If I lose such rights then I am effectively being deprived of any form of choice and therefore control over my own life. Such things must not be considered lightly. I published a book in which I warned that we are losing all of our human rights, and things have gotten worse since it was published. My book is called Human Rights in a Big Yellow Taxi, and its title is a reference to the Joni Mitchell song Big Yellow Taxi whose chorus is "don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you've got till its gone?" That is what the people in Britain are facing under this Westminster system. If the only thing you can do is vote to stop it, then that is what you must do. I would also ask you to note that none of these measures apply to the biggest culprits, corporations and millionaires, just to the mugs at the bottom. If that is not class war, then someone please enlighten me as to what it is. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Better Together? You must be sick!

I don't know what it will take for the British people to stop and consider what is happening to their country and what is happening to millions of their fellow citizens. In addition, I wonder if they know the dangers that are inherent in the course this country is pursuing under its present political system.

The latest figures from the Office of National Statistics show us that the conditions of working people in the UK are deteriorating at increasing speed towards truly Victorian levels. There are now 1.4 million people on zero-hour contracts. That is people with no set hours or wage levels. If you are on such conditions of employment it is impossible to do any financial planning. It is impossible to get a mortgage or a bankloan. You have no insurance, holiday pay or employment rights. In short you are in a condition of modern slavery, totally dependent on an employer who our governments have given the permission to do whatever he/she want with you and you are helpless to stop them. Wages for the under 25s have fallen 14% since 2000 with wages for the 25-29 age group down 12%. Since 2008 real average wages have fallen 8% which is the equivalent of an average annual fall of £2000 for every working person  in the country. Thus, if you take the people on zerohour contracts along with those on part-time and temporary contracts you are talking of 11 million people in the UK with no full-time employment, no security or no decent prospects of a stable future. Add into this devils brew the phenomenon of foodbanks, staggering inequality and real large-scale poverty and you can begin to get a true picture of the state of this glorious nation of ours.

All this is happening at a time when the wages and bonuses of the elite are reaching staggering levels and are being justified by our political class. MPs are defrauding the taxpayer, celebrities and billionaires are paying less tax than teachers, but polls are showing that the majority of the people still blame the disadvantaged, not only for their own situation, but the situation the country finds itself in. I am beginning to believe that I must be spectacularly stupid and am missing something that is obvious to everyone else. The Thatcherite experiment has reached maturity. The British must be amongst the most selfish and callous amongst the so-called civilised world. We are facing a situation where UKIP stands to win the European elections on a programme that is zenophobic, deeply discriminatory, racist and divisive, and the British people are increasingly embracing such attitudes. When you look at the strategies of the Tories and their bedfellows in  the other Westminster parties you have to stand back in positive admiration at their success in diverting the blame for, and the attention from, their criminality onto the most unfortunate in society.

This is the conditions that the Better Together campaign encourages us to support. It is deception on a scale that is truly disgusting. What I find difficult to believe is how anyone can question that the people who live in Scotland could not make a better job of running their own country than the present gang of selfish, greedy sociopaths. What have we got to lose? Well nothing really! You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat