I have been growing increasingly alarmed over the requests by the Association of Chief Police Officers, and the Mayor Of London, the appalling Boris Johnson, to be equipped with water cannon. What is particularly alarming is the justification they are giving for such requests, " the need to control continued protests from ongoing and potential future austerity measures" In other words, regardless of the justice of the protests, regardless of the hardship caused by government policies, regardless of the fundamental human rights embedded in the rights of protest, the police are going to mindlessly utilise a measure that is potentially lethal on the citizens of this country who are exercising a fundamental human right. So, regardless of the criminality of government, of bankers, of the people who have inflicted immense damage on our society, who have reduced large sections of the population to depend on foodbanks, we had better not protest or complain or we will feel the full force of the fury and rage of our police, who presumably feel that we have no right to complain or protest.
I am afraid that the police in this country are getting out of control. A report this week has confirmed that in Scotland, Police Scotland have carried out more than double the amount of stop and searches than the police in London over the past year, and London has a larger population than Scotland.
As you all know, I am a supporter of Independence, but not necessarily of the SNP and I have come to the conclusion that the SNP Minister for Justice, or whatever his title is, Kenny McCaskill, is a halfwit, and is hindering the prospect of an equal and fair independent Scotland. The concept of one centralised police force is anathema to a democratic society and a precursor of a police state. This only confirms my suspicions about the nature of the British state and the continual militarisation of the police, because it confirms that the British government and its agencies are in an actual state of war against their own people. I mean, think about it, what possible reason can there be for the police to use water cannon on British streets? We now have armed police openly parading on the streets in certain areas of the country, and they have demonstrated that they are not slow to use them, whether justified or not, and now they plan to use a weapon that must be the most indiscriminate they could possibly use. Make no mistake, a water cannon can do serious injury and can kill, and their purpose is the prevention of one of our most fundamental rights, the right of protest. The Report of the Association of Chief Police Officers itself warns that the full pressure from a jet from a water cannon is capable of killing and causing serious injury, and also warns about the dangers to the public from 'street furniture or other debris' that will be indiscriminately blown about if caught in such jets.
There is therefore no justification for these at all. Indeed it would suggest that the government and the police regard the public as scum to be washed off the streets if they clutter it up too much. I have continually warned in this blog that the British establishment will tolerate no constraints on their activities and have no respect for democracy, the rule of law or human rights. In their determination to be completely unaccountable, they will brook neither protest about nor resistance to, their policies and they will be aided and abetted mindlessly by the very forces of law and order that are supposed to protect us. It would also suggest that the Association of Chief Police Officers are in complete agreement with the governments austerity measures. You have been warned, this is the future under Westminster.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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