Sunday, 26 January 2014

Tony Blair, God's modern representative

I have been reading the latest pearls of wisdom from our esteemed past Prime Minister Tony Blair and am reminded of the quote from Albert Einstein who told us that the difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits. Telling us that the problems of conflict today have their genesis in religious extremism he says  that "there is one thing self-evidently in common: the acts of terrorism are perpetrated by people motivated by an abuse of religion. It is a perversion of faith."

There is no limit to this person's capacity for self-delusion. He is an object lesson in how quite mad and dangerous people can climb to the pinnacles of power and endanger the security of the whole world, while looking like a 'pretty straight guy' as he frequently described himself. What Blair was guilty of was perpetrating acts of terrorism on whole societies motivated by an abuse of economics and political power. Blair is the personification of the abuse of power and of perverting politics and economics in the pursuit of personal gain. His perversions are much more subtle than the religious extremist, because they are cloaked in a veneer of respectability. It has never penetrated this person's consciousness that the religious extremism we see all around us was generated by him and his hero in Washington. Their unjust and illegal actions unleashed a tidal wave of religious extremism that are having their effects in Egypt, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria etc. and are being witnessed on our television on a nightly basis. I remind you their were no acts of terrorism from Islamic sources on either Britain or America until Britain and America unleashed terrorism on Islamic nations.

As for religious extremism, he and his fellow war criminal in America persistently describe themselves as Christians, and on national television Blair told the British people that God had told him to declare war on Iraq. In this he was only telling people what Bush had already told the Americans. Now, I have no problem when people talk to their god, but I have a serious problem when their god replies to them. Confessions of being instructed by god on any matter are normally proof of insanity in this society. What I have issue with is that no-one in the Christian community seems to have any issues with either the fact that their god supposedly converses with both Blair and Bush, or that these people claim to be fellow believers and have launched illegal and unjust wars against other people in their name, an activity they profess to deeply object to. Never in my lifetime has any Christian leader, whether Pope, archbishop, minister or moderator etc. ever claimed that god had spoken to them, yet this god evidently speaks to Blair and Bush. How great and favoured they must be! My other serious concern is that the British people can listen to someone telling them that god speaks to them and then vote this imbecile back into office when he should be being sectioned. That says a lot for the intelligence and political savvy of the average British voter. However, I accept that I may be wrong and missing something very important. I will now indulge in a protracted bout of soul searching with a view to reaching out to the prophet Tony.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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