Well, that's the referendum result sorted. I was amused today to see a headline article in the Daily Telegraph telling us that Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling are teaming up in order to save the Union. They are going to support the Better Together campaign and head off the independence challenge in the coming referendum, although Brown refuses to join Better Together because he won't associate with the Tories, so, I am puzzled, when does unity qualify as disunity?
We can all go home now, because who on earth can stand against such political Titans? These men are the very epitome of British politics. Alistair Darling is the man who wrote in his memoirs that Brown was a hopeless leader who behaved appallingly. Brown refused to speak to him for years. In a political context, these are the two financial geniuses who presided over Britain's financial collapse, and who are responsible for this coalition government. They are the two men who faithfully supported Blair in his illegal wars, in his destruction of our civil and human rights, who both supported rendition, torture, and the demonization of the Islamic community, the unemployed, the disabled etc. these are the men who refused to regulate the banks and the financial sector. In short, these are two of the worst personnel from the worst governments in living memory.
I wonder if the Better Together people have given thought to asking Nigel Farage to be their spokesman on immigration? That would actually make more sense than asking the two financial imbeciles who posed as Chancellors to tell us about the economic benefits of Union. Its a bit like asking the Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan to be your spokesperson on race.
This is what you get when you argue for the Westminster brand of politics, incompetents who are totally out of touch with reality, preaching that what is so obviously a complete failure is in reality a success. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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