Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Vote for more poverty in September

If you think that we will be Better Together, tied to a union with the Westminster managed rest of the UK, I would ask you to consider the following. People are always telling us that we would be worse off if we declared Independence, and I ask you to consider how much worse off could we be than we are now? In November, for the first time since 1945 and the end of the Second World War, the Red Cross began collecting food from supermarkets and from shoppers for distribution to the needy. I remind you that this is the 7th wealthiest country in the world. According to the Red Cross, 5.5million people in the UK are struggling to afford essential items such as food. What is happening here is that Britain's problems of poverty and need are being recognised internationally whilst being completely ignored by the Westminster Parliament and the politicians that the Better Together campaign is asking us to put our faith for the future in.

Today the Prime Minister, David Cameron, announced in Parliament that he simply refuses to interfere with the grotesque bonus culture in our banking system and particularly in the state owned Royal Bank of Scotland. Thus, our bankers will continue to loot the national treasury with the government's blessing, whilst people in benefits will be penalised if they have a spare room and can only look forward to even deeper cuts in their income as the Chancellor told us this week. The NHS figures show us that they treated 6,000 cases of malnutrition last year. Malnutrition, in modern Britain, it is beyond farce. Relative poverty is defined by the government as being below 60% of the median income, and this accounts for 13million people, or 21% of all households, and the really scandalous figure is that 50% of these people live in a family where someone is working. As a result, under our wonderful Better Together modern Britain, working is no longer the route out of poverty. As I told you in another post average working incomes have fallen by 14% since the election, whilst the average millionaire's income has risen by 15%.

I sincerely await an explanation from some poor misguided patriot how they plan to remedy this situation. What is not an option however, is voting for the status quo. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat 

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