Monday, 20 January 2014

Don't Believe Me?? Just ask Oxfam!!!

Well, now we have it officially, what I have been telling you since the beginning of this blog is confirmed by the Oxfam Report on poverty and inequality that has been published. This report tells us that eighty five people own as much wealth as 50% of the entire world's population. These 85 people share as much wealth as 3.5 billion people combined. This is wealth that can have no kind of justification, that cannot be spent, and is of no particular benefit to the people that own it in terms of their standard of living. The only benefit it gives them is power, the type of power that should only reside with governments. These are the real masters of the universe.

However, what I wish to highlight is that this transfer of wealth from the people of the world to a very tiny minority of persons has been quite deliberate and is the logical conclusion of the process of enriching the elite at the expense of the rest of a society that began with Margaret Thatcher. This is one of her enduring legacies, and it has been achieved because of the deliberate policy making of all governments in the western world since then. However, what I am concerned about is what is happening in the UK and that this is what you are voting for in September if you vote that we are Better Together, because all Westminster parties have signed up to this policy agenda and are committed to its maintenance and indeed its extension. This is where the money cut from our benefits is going to, where the cuts in the NHS are going to. Remember, below these 85 people is a whole army of politicians and financiers, bankers etc. and the owners of the corporations that are profiting from the privatisation of all of our national assets, all of the gangsters who are systematically robbing us on a daily basis and reducing the rest of us to modern forms of slavery.

Today we have Labour's resident Nazi, Rachel Reeves, telling us that people on benefits will have to pass English and arithmetic tests or lose their benefits. Their country and successive governments have failed them, destroyed the education system, destroyed the jobs market and taken away any hope of success, but the poor and the disadvantaged must be punished and persecuted further. This is Labour buying into the Tories scapegoat mentality. Its not the bankers, the financiers or the 85 multibillionaires that are to blame for our woes, its the benefit scroungers that are to blame, it's the skivers, the feckless. I wonder how Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling will sell that to the Scottish people. Britain's Westminster political elite are beneath contempt, they are morally bankrupt and inherently corrupt, selling their souls for a price. This system cannot continue because it is rotten to its core. I am writing a book to explain this in detail, and why, and how, it is happening, however, for the moment I remind you that you have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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