The senior United Nations official for freedom of expression, Frank La Rue, has warned Britain that the way it is treating the press and particularly the Guardian over the Snowden files is unacceptable. Accusing the British government of doing serious damage to our reputation for press freedom, he stated that "I have been absolutely shocked about the way the Guardian has been treated, from the idea of prosecution to the fact that some members of parliament even called it treason, I think that is unacceptable in a democratic society."
However, what I have been trying to impress on you in this blog is that Britain can no longer claim to be a democratic society in the proper sense of the political concept of democracy. The Westminster Parliament is irredeemably corrupt and its members represent no-one but themselves and a narrow circle of business and financial interests. Our MPs have lost all sense of purpose. If you had to ask any MP what their role and function is in a democratic society they would not be able to tell you. What they would tell you is what their party told them to tell you. Thus, their role has been corrupted, their functions have been corrupted, they have lost all sense of individuality and have submerged their personal identity completely under their party identity. They have no sense of shame, no dignity and no self-respect. They lie constantly and, even after the expenses scandal, still continue to enrich themselves at the public's expense. If you watch Question Time or any decent news programme you will see for yourself that they are an utter disgrace and an embarrassment.
The reasons for this is their allegiance to the economic imperatives of neoliberal free market economics that will accept no restraints on its activities. Thus, in order to pursue the goals of neoliberalism, our MPs refuse to be accountable, to give honest answers to questions, to represent their constituents or take any notice of public opinion. As I wrote recently, privatisation has been a disaster but that is of no consequence to Westminster as they and their mates are making fortunes out of it. The decline of the health service is deliberate, and the slow slide to slavery of the working people of the country is also deliberate. Westminster has genuinely become a club whose members must share the goals and objectives of the club in order to become a member. That is why all parties have taken the selection of candidates out of the hands of local parties and control such selections from their central office. You must be 'one of us' to get into the Westminster club.
Why has David Cameron attended the Commonwealth Conference in Sri Lanka when other states have condemned it for its human rights? Because Britain is in no position to preach to anyone else about human rights, the harassment of journalists, the bugging of phones, torture, rendition, and all the other delights normally associated with tyrannies. We have a chance to escape this situation next September. If you vote to remain in the UK next year, then you must agree with the slow death of democracy, freedom and human rights we are witnessing at the hands of the Westminster Parliament, you have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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