Following on from my post on the subject of free schools, what is clear to me is that the discipline of economics as we know it in this country is a fraud, and that economists do not actually know much about their own discipline. We are in the financial and economic crisis that we are in because of economists, and the economic models used by bankers and those in the financial system. What this tells me is that the models and assumptions that economists and financiers operate by are deeply flawed and in many ways simply wrong. So, how does this come about? Well, this is a huge topic that could well take a textbook to explain, but if I may offer some insights.
One of the great mantras of modern economics is that markets, when left to their own devices with no external interference are self-regulating. This is demonstrably wrong. As we continually witness in our modern world, any market, when left to its own devices will develop into a monopoly situation. For example, the rise of the supermarket has witnessed the death of high street suppliers in bakeries, fishmongers, butchers, greengrocers, drapers etc. All such activities now take place predominantly within supermarkets that are ruled by four multinational conglomerates and genuine competition and choice has been deliberately killed off. Now there is nothing inherently wrong with this as it is a result of technology as much as anything. What is wrong is that we are still being peddled the myth that we live in a market economy, when what we live in is a capitalist economy that has systematically destroyed markets and competition.
We are constantly still being peddled the lie that market self-regulation will flourish because of the stimulus of free dynamic competition, and if you believe that you must live on a different planet. Where is the competition in energy, retail distribution, fuel, transport, housing etc. etc.? It doesn't exist. What we are faced with in modern Britain is a choice between a few licensed gangsters. In fact I cannot think of one product or service in our society that offers genuine competition.
Constant propaganda has demonised the state and public services whilst promoting the benefits of a market system in health education, care etc. etc. that does not, and cannot exist. What is wrong is that just when we need a healthy active state, intervening and regulating such activities, we are governed by criminals who are removing such state activities in the cause of exploitation and profiteering. All of the great private companies being employed by the British State to provide us with the wondrous benefits of the private sector are all revealed as criminal organisations who are not only incompetent, but are defrauding the taxpayer of millions each day. ATOS, Serco, G4s are all exposed as fraudulent. There is an unanswerable case for the immediate nationalisation of energy and the railways for example. The recent sale of Royal Mail is a classic example of the type of activity Al Capone would have been proud of.
As I have alluded to previously, modern economics operates from some quite fundamental mistaken premises. For example the concept of Adam Smith's invisible hand is not at all what modern economists tell us that it is. The biggest selling economist in the world, Paul Samuelson, tells us that the invisible hand is perfect competition. That is simply wrong. Indeed, Samuelson goes on to tell us how perfect competition is an impossibility, so, if he is correct, and I agree that he is, then Adam Smith must have been an ignoramus, and I can assure you that Smith was anything but. Another myth is that Smith ever describes or uses the term selfishness with respect to the human being. Nor does he ever use the term laissez faire. I shall attempt to explain these in understandable terms to show you that our rulers simply do not know what they are talking about when they start to pontificate on 'markets.' In the meantime, the only light in sight is the prospect of independence for Scotland that will allow us to start to redress the balance and to hold some of these gangsters to account. It is your choice, but you have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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