Tuesday, 12 November 2013

The British State will wither away

The following is the start of an article in today's Guardian.

The government is to forge a "leaner, more efficient state" on a permanent basis, David Cameron has said as he signalled he had no intention of resuming spending once the structural deficit has been eliminated, a clear change to claims made after the last general election .
In a change of tack from saying in 2010 that he was imposing cuts out of necessity, rather than from "some ideological zeal", the prime minister told the Lord Mayor's banquet that the government has shown in the last three years that better services can be delivered with lower spending.

This is a graphic example of the lie machine that is the Westminster Parliament. In addition, it also reveals that no amount of facts and data is allowed to spoil a good ideological view of the world when this man tells us that the last three years has shown that better services can be delivered with lower spending. In just the last month the news has been inundated with stories about the catastrophic state of our service sector, for example, health, education, energy, roads, rail, bus services, care services, children's services and on and on. If you read the papers and watch the news, you will be fully aware that I am not indulging in rhetoric, that services right across the country are in permanent crisis. That Cameron can make such a statement in public shows anyone with a shred of intelligence that he is totally out of touch, totally out of control and completely unfit for public office.

Cameron is here revealing the Tory hatred of the state. Of course we have a leaner more efficient state today and its efficiency is judged, by the Camerloonatics of the world, how fast it can cut benefits, wages, increase working hours and working weeks, how fat it can make managerial salaries and bonuses, how many workers it can make redundant, how much privatisation it can visit on our health and education systems etc. etc. On those standards, the British state is very efficient, and, as I've been telling you for some time now, all such policies are the priorities of the Westminster Parliament. As I've also been telling you, Labour and the Lib Dems are as much to blame, so do not be fooled for a moment that if you stay within the British state after next September, but vote for someone different that anything will change. Remember, Labour have already committed themselves to accepting the Tory cuts for at least three years if they win in 2015, and have promised to be even harder on the benefits system.

The commitment to forge a leaner state on a permanent basis means only one thing. There will be more privatisation of all state services such as health and education. The state will be pared down to a minimum and we will have private roads, private bridges, private libraries, private health and education, and the entire British nation will be sold of for profit to the private sector. This is no false warning, nor am I being alarmist. I have warned you repeatedly that the neoliberals of all parties are preparing the working people of this country for modern forms of slavery. You have been warned. Westminster has become a genuine threat to your health, welfare and your liberty and if that's what you vote for next September, then you will deserve all you get.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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