The present state of British politics genuinely beggars belief and rational understanding. We are supposed to be a democratic society and we have a whole Parliamentary system that simply refuses to be held accountable or to give the electorate any form of respect or recognition. I remind you, all politicians, including the government, are put into office by us. They are not there because they are qualified, or because they are the best people for the job, they are there simply because they won an election. In office we pay their wages, their pensions, their expenses and provide their standard of living and that of their families. If it transpires that they are competent and/or honest, then that is entirely by chance.
The biggest decision any politician can make is the decision to commit the nation to war. This decision is therefore the most important area for which they must be held accountable and must justify to the people of the nation. The last government set up the Chilcot Enquiry to try to determine the justification for this country waging war against Iraq. This was set up because there is no doubt that the fundamental reasons given to the nation for going to war by the then government led by Tony Blair were a farrago of lies. In addition, under the government's duties in law, the war was illegal. As a result, we devastated a sovereign nation, killed hundreds of thousands of its citizens, brought terror onto our own streets and spent billions of pounds illegally and untruthfully. None of that is in dispute.
However, we now have the spectacle of an unelected civil servant, Sir Jeremy Heywood, who was, incidentally, Tony Blair's private secretary at the time of the Iraq war, refusing to release crucial documents to an enquiry set up by Parliament that may shed light on the reasons behind the biggest foreign policy disaster in the nation's history. The Chilcot Enquiry has been refused access to 25 notes sent from Blair to George Bush, plus 130 documents discussing the war and dozens of records of British Cabinet meetings by this man, on the grounds that Blair's negotiations with Bush were private. I mean, you simply could not make this stuff up. Who on earth does this Heywood think he is? He should be immediately arrested, placed in handcuffs, thrown in a cell and be forbidden to hold any form of public office for the rest of his life. So, why hasn't he? This situation defies rational understanding. There is no possible argument for considering that such discussions can be regarded as private. These people are elected, they don't fight the war once they have declared it, they get other people to fight it for them.They don't finance the war, we do. This is the most public decision any politician can take, and, incidentally, is coming from people who claim that they have a right to monitor every conversation, every text, every email that the population of this country make. As far as this government is concerned, you have no private life, and, they inherited such attitudes from Labour.
This is a genuine national scandal. Remember, Blair and his toadies didn't just wage illegal war, they have also indulged in widespread torture, large scale international kidnapping, and widespread criminality. That this situation has arisen tells you everything you want to know about modern British government and the overweening arrogance of the Westminster Parliament and its unelected civil officials. It also serves to highlight the utter uselessness of Westminster. Any decent MP with a scintilla of intelligence, or understanding of their roles and functions would be demanding this information immediately and would have called in the police to have Heywood arrested. The British people have no hope for any form of just and equitable society under present structural conditions. It requires a radical change, and all the evidence we have shows us that this just will not happen. It can happen for Scotland however, if the Scots just have the bottle to believe that they are intelligent enough to rule themselves. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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