Thursday, 7 November 2013

Privatisation - the prototypical Westminster lie.

I've been pondering the latest saga over the closure of Portsmouth shipyard and the charge that it is a bribe to the Scots not to vote for Independence, and of course that's exactly what it is. However, I sincerely hope that the Scots don't fall for this extremely vulgar piece of political manoeuvring and vote against Independence on the premise that if you do you may lose some 2000 jobs when the Scottish Parliament could create 10 times that number at the stroke of a pen. Any decent government who sincerely wished to end unemployment could do so quite easily in little over a year. The Scots would likely be quite to prepared to accept such a policy, whereas the rest of the UK wouldn't and that is one of the reasons why we need Independence. I will happily explain this to anyone who asks me to.

The real lesson of this catastrophe however, is the disaster that is privatisation. I have been trying to think of a genuinely successful example of privatisation and cannot think of one. If anyone can enlighten me then please do not hesitate to reply.

The most popular privatisation was of course council housing, but that is a completely different thing from it being successful. It has of course been a complete disaster with our housing situation left in complete chaos. I showed in an earlier post how there are twice as many empty properties in England and Wales alone than there are homeless people. The catalogue of disastrous privatisation is well-known, rail, energy, water, buses, NHS111 and all the Labour inspired Private Finance Initiatives, with licensed gangsters in the shape of A4e, ATOS, G4s, Serco etc. robbing us blind for providing overpriced underperforming so-called services. In short, privatisation simply does not work and is another example of the fraud that is supposed to be the free market and the pathological lying of the Westminster governmental system that includes all three major parties.

It is simply unbelievable that anyone can tell you that we are better together with a straight face. It speaks volumes that the most prominent spokesman of the Better Together campaign is the former Chancellor Alistair Darling, a prominent member of the government who presided over the financial collapse and a man of genuinely monumental incompetence. A member of the worst government in British history, a government that was financially stupid, that took away whole sections of our fundamental rights, that waged illegal wars and brought terror onto our streets, that engaged in rendition and torture and whose activities in government mean that they are incapable of waging any genuine form of opposition to the present brutal and callous administration of elite public schoolboys who will complete the destruction of a once rich and vibrant nation, but a nation that is now characterised by greed, selfishness and hate. Hatred of the poor, the sick, the disabled, the disadvantaged, the Europeans, Muslims, indeed anyone who is not one of them. Is that what you want, to be allied with and supportive of people like that? You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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