I must begin my post by recognising that the House of Commons vote not to engage in military action against the Syrians did, for once, display a modicum of common sense. I say a modicum because the vote was only by a majority of thirteen. Cameron admitted during his speech that he did not have evidence that conclusively proved that Assad had indeed been responsible for the chemical attacks. Now, and this is an important point, the fundamental cornerstone of the rule of law is that anyone is innocent until proven guilty.
The hypocrisy of the British and US governments is staggering. They are fulminating furiously about a set of events they admit they cannot prove and constantly preach the moral case for acting against the Syrians. These are two administrations that systematically use and justify torture, that kidnap people from anywhere in the world without charge, without proof of their activities, that lock people away for tens of years with no trial, with no legal representation, without telling them why, without access to their families and without any discernible end to their nightmare. These are two administrations that access all of our emails, our texts, our phone calls and that ignore the law, break the law, and quite casually break their own constitutions. There cannot be any greater immoral administrations anywhere in the world. The Americans send pilotless drones all over the Middle East and casually kill hundreds of innocent people. When Madeleine Albright, the US Ambassador to the United Nations was asked how she responded to the fact that sanctions against the Iraqi's had killed over half a million children she replied that it was worth it. This is the country that dropped so much chemical weaponry on Vietnam and Cambodia that they still haven't recovered from it 40 years later. It has recently been demonstrated that the British systematically tortured and murdered thousands of Keynans who were members or suspected members of the Mau Mau. The British burned them alive and mutilated them.
In its so-called war on terror, the UK government has quite openly subverted the rule of law, lied through its teeth, murdered, tortured and kidnapped but has the gall to describe its motivations as moral. I must be missing something!!
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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