Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Visit Syria before Syria visits you!!

I haven't posted for a week now because I have been watching events unfolding over the Syrian conflict with growing trepidation and alarm. I thought that I was beyond being surprised by the stupidity of our governments and the gang of imbeciles that pose as our members of parliament. I have come to the conclusion that if we could combine the intellects of all of the members of the House of Commons we would not manage to produce a halfwit. These people are genuinely going to debate military intervention in Syria. Never mind what they decide, the fact that they are debating it should require them to be swept from office immediately and barred from ever holding public office again.

We have suffered a military catastrophe and worldwide humiliation in Iraq. We have already lost all initiative and credibility in Afghanistan and are desperately seeking a way out of what is quite simply a debacle, and we are seriously considering intervening in a situation that will bring us nothing but disaster. Make no mistake, Syria will be the step too far. The Islamic world is on the point of saying enough is enough and we can expect a retaliation that will cause immense suffering and pain for our peoples. It is clear that the British and Americans simply enjoy killing people, particularly people they consider inferior and who reject the Anglo-American world view.

As I write there is no proof that any of the justifications they are trotting out for military intervention have evidence to support them. They claim that they have a moral duty, but what about the moral duty they owe their own people who have to live with the persistent lies that we have no money for health, education, welfare and may waken up tomorrow to discover that they have magically found millions of pounds that they can afford for the purpose of waging another war. It should be clear to everyone in this country that these people have no morals. Where were their morals when Saddam Hussein was killing tens of thousands of Kurds with chemical weaponry? Oh I forgot, he was one of the good guys then as he was fighting those terrible Iranians that we don't like. By the way, these are the people who are telling the Scots that we are better together. If you believe such people and trust anything they say, then you deserve each other. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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