One of the depressing aspects of the spotlight being rightly focused on this government's serious abuse of its powers under so-called anti terror measures, is how supposedly informed commentators are all relating the intensification of the use of anti-terrorist legislation to the events of 11th September 2001. This is quite wrong. (If I may digress, I try to resist referring to that day as 9/11 because, to Europeans, 9/11 means the 9th of November, and the 9th of November marks a far worse tragedy than the 11th of September, as the 9th of November 1938 was what became known as Kristalnacht and marked the actual implementation of the Holocaust and the Final Solution to the Jewish Problem to use Nazi parlance. Our own version of Kristalnacht is looming ever closer).
However, to return to this government's motives for the war against our liberty, the real reason for all this assault on our rights is their obsession with free market neoliberal economics. The war on terror is their excuse, but is not the reason. The attack on the Twin Towers was actually a godsend to our neoliberal masters as it gave them the excuse to crackdown on anyone who attempted to question their policies and their activities. Naomi Klein showed us how they operate in her book the Shock Doctrine, which is essential reading for anyone interested in modern government and politics.
Whenever anyone wishes to examine the motives of the Americans, it must always be remembered that their stated aim is full spectrum dominance, which simply means controlling the entire world. To achieve this dominance, the Americans have enlisted their very own supporters club, the Westminster Parliament. The purpose of this dominance is to convert the entire world to the American model of free market economics that we call neoliberalism and their first experiment is the conversion of the United Kingdom into a state of the American Union in all but name. It is almost complete. Thus, this experiment, and the economic model that is its goal, must not, and will not, be challenged and any challenge to Anglo/American dominance throughout the world will be deemed terrorist.
Thus, the so-called war on terror is a smokescreen to protect the elite and its bankers and financial class as they accumulate ever greater wealth and power. As I've already said, the real threat to our freedom and safety comes, not from external terrorists, but our politicians and police forces who are determined that they will be nether challenged or held accountable. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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