I trust you are aware of the news that David Miranda, a Brazilian national was arrested by police at Heathrow Airport, held for nine hours and questioned by six anti-terrorist agents. His crime is that he is the partner of the American journalist Glen Greenwald who writes in the Guardian and who has exposed the extent of spying on all of us by the American National Security Agency and our own GCHQ. This is a serious abuse, both of police powers and of anti-terror legislation. But what is more serious is the refusal of the police to release details of why, and on whose authority they did this. It is also a serious wake up call to the extent that our authorities are under the control of their American masters and to what lengths they will go to please the Americans and do their dirty work for them.
I have written before that we must never lose sight of what government and its agencies are, what their functions are and to whom they are accountable. Britain is adopting all of the structure of a police state and the authorities are targeting anyone and everyone who dares challenge their activities. Authorities are exactly that, they operate under the authority of the people of the country who invest them with their authority and to whom they are accountable, given that the people appoint them, support them, finance them and pay their wages and pensions. Governments and police forces do not have rights, only people have rights. Governments and the police have authority, but it is a qualified authority that can be withdrawn if they lose sight of their purpose and function and begin to operate outside of their authority.
This incident is serious, as it now appears that journalists who criticise the government are being treated as terrorists. But more important is that this government and its police forces seem to think that not only the journalists, but their families and their associates are also fair targets for their vindictiveness and malice. This is the very activities that we condemned in the Nazis and the KGB. As Simon Jenkins pointed out in todays Guardian, even the Mafia's code of honour forbade them to target the families and loved ones of their enemies. So, our authorities are displaying a lower level of moral conduct than the Sopranos, and that was not meant to be a joke!
This country and its traditional moral order and freedoms are under serious assault by a bunch of gangsters masquerading as politicians. We had better waken up to the dangers soon. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat.
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