Sunday, 1 September 2013

The Shadow of Blair hanging over Syria

The press and our politicians are going though agonies of soul searching over the government's defeat on intervention in Syria. What is the place of Britain in the world? What does it mean if we are diminished as a nation? All garbage. What happened was that all the lies spewed out by our government's over the past 20 years finally caught up with them. No-one knows better how we are continually and habitually lied to by our political class than our political class themselves and Syria brought it home to them. They knew that the Prime Minister and his henchmen were lying through their teeth as usual and thought about the repercussions this could have for each of them personally if the Syrian adventure went pear shaped. 

According to the Daily Telegraph, on the night of the vote 80% of the British public opposed intervention. What government's have done, and this is Blair's real legacy, is destroy any trust we have in politicians, and that is the real danger for our country. Politicians exercise power, but they only exercise it on the authority of the electorate. Authority can be lost, and Westminster is losing its authority because the public simply don't believe a word they say. Not only has Westminster lost its authority, so have our so-called intelligence 'experts' who have been demonstrated as liars and incompetents.

British democracy is dependent on trust. As we have no formal constitution or a judiciary that can exercise restraint on legislation, thus allowing Westminster to do practically anything it wants to, we trust that our politicians will respect the law, the rule of law, honesty and that they act with integrity. Blair's governments must go down as the most appalling in British history. They were totally corrupt in terms of honesty, integrity, legality and democratic accountability, they were quite shameless, and that includes all of the personnel who served with Blair. By conducting government in that manner they left a blueprint for the Tories and their coalition partners that they thought they could follow. But the fruits of the Blair years have now come back to haunt them, the financial crisis and the Iraq war in particular, and they are now finding that they may not be able to simply lie their way out of everything any more. Trust no longer exists between Westminster and the British people.

What is happening in Syria is a genuine tragedy, but, if Westminster made a genuine mistake last week, the Syrians have Blair and his appalling henchmen to thank for it. However it impacts on Syria, what happened was finally a glimmer of hope for Britain and our democracy. The shame of their past crimes may be finally seeping into the conscience of our politicians, surely the most disreputable bunch of liars possible.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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